Monday, July 1, 2013

Time, the creative element!

The vibration of the OM light is called Time or Kaalam. The vibration of the primal OM light is the dance of Lord Shiva and that of sound is Uma. Hence 'Omkara' Natana. Uma is 'word' (vaak) and Shiva is 'meaning' (artha). So, Mayan says that Kaalam is the creative element of all the objects of the universe and adds that the universe itself is the product of Time. "Time is the creative source of all objects. It is time that changes into form. It is time that blossoms into the universe and Kaalam thus does wonders" - Mayan. Therefore, Kaalam itself is designated as Kaala Brahman. Kaalam, in simple words is the speed or vibration of energy or light. The summum-bonum of these discussions is that vibration causes all phenomena.

This concept is extended to poetry, music and dance where Kaalam is redesignated as Taalam, maatra or kaalam, the ruling element of all forms of poetry, music and also dance. What would be unique and astonishing is that the same Taala measure is extended to create visual material forms (time-spaces) of which one is the building whether it is a temple or house. Sculptural representations are also born of this scientific theory of rhythm (Taala) and therefore they are divine and worship worthy.”
~ Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati, Temple Architecture: The Living Tradition

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