Sunday, June 30, 2013

Nataraja and String Theory - 2

We can see the Nataraja is drawn inside a 8x8 Manduka mandala, his left leg is raised suggesting a movement from left to right. Why should he suggest that he is moving from left to right?
Nataraja in Manduka Mandala
His left hand holds Light / Fire and his right hand holds Drum / Damru / Sound. The process of Evolution which starts with the absolute time and Pranava is fantastically represented pictorially. It suggests that the evolution process starts with the rhythmic dance of the PARAMAANU in a 8x8 energy grid and this process evolves first as light and then as sound. This light and sound creates further forms and the entire universe.
It is very easy to answer as to why sound evolves from light? We all know that the light is at a higher frequency and velocity than sound. This is the same reason we see lightning first then hear the thunders. So let’s summarize the DANCE OF EVOLUTION of NATARAJA:
  • From being un‐manifest the Pranava emerges. Or the Pranava evolves the un‐manifest to the manifest and starts the cycle of evolution.
  • This leads to a pulsation which is called as the COSMIC DANCE / CELESTIAL DANCE / DANCE OF EVOLUTION.
  • This pulsation is rhythmic and symmetric.
  • The luminescent shaft of consciousness is called as Brahma Sutra or popularly called as String theory in the modern science.
  • The process of creation evolves from the dance as light then sound evolves from light and then all the visual and aural forms in this universe.
If this is so then the process of dissolution should be that Nataraja’s right leg should be lifted suggesting a movement from right to left isn't? Look at the majestic picture suggesting the DANCE of EVOLUTION and the DANCE of DISSOLUTION as below...
Nataraja - Dance of Evolution
Nataraja - Dance of Dissolution
 a) Dance of Evolution                            b) Dance of Dissolution
There is nothing more scientific in this world that is pictorially represented about the evolution of universe. You should read a book called “The Tao of Physics” by Frijat Capra where as physicist he explains how he experienced this and highlights the dance of the quantum particles in space corresponds to the dance of Nataraja.
Now this central shaft of Consciousness is called Brahma Sutra and according to our scriptures Paramaanu has this string, which means every being, matter, inanimate things in this universe including the tiniest of subatomic particles have this string / sutra. In the future parts we will see the Maths behind this sutra and the pulsation but let us look at what the modern science says about Superstring theory here. Also check out Nataraja at the CERN.
As a wise man said, “We are the most ignorant about their rich past and scientific traditions.” We have a very rich past that is most scientific and it is left codified in a form across thousands of temples in India. Let us just open your eyes and understand the scientific meaning around it. May that “Sutradhaari” dispel our ignorance and reveal to us the secrets of nature.
'Time = Space' by Raguram Gopalan,

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