Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sacred Geometry - The Blueprint of Creation?

Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes.
As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.
The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the “sacred” had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness - the ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self-awareness.
Sacred Geometry
Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of 'becoming'. To see and work with unity and wholeness in geometry can help abolish our false notion of separateness from nature and from each other. Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion, balance and harmony that exists in any situation, all manifest reality and even the circumstances of our day-to-day life.
The Energy in Action
Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who introduced to Europe and popularized the Hindu-Arabic number system (also called the decimal system). He contributed greatly to number theory, and during his life published many important texts. He is also known for the Fibonacci Series, a numerical series found frequently in the natural world.
The Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two numbers in the list together to form the next and so on and so on.(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...). Divide any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, for example 55/34, or 21/13, and the answer is always close to 1.61803. This is known as the Golden Ratio.
One of the most profound and significant activities encompassed within sacred geometry and lightSource is the 'Golden Mean Spiral', derived by using the 'Golden Ratio'.

The Golden Mean was used in the design of sacred buildings in ancient architecture to produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through prayer.Our reality is very structured, and indeed Life is even more structured. This is reflected though Nature in the form of geometry. Geometry is the very basis of our reality, and hence we live in a coherent world governed by unseen laws. These are always manifested in our world. The Golden Mean governs the proportion of our world and it can be found even in the most seemingly proportion-less (active) living forms.
Clear examples of Sacred Geometry (and Golden Mean geometry) in Nature and matter:
  • All types of crystals, natural and cultured.
  • The hexagonal geometry of snowflakes.
  • Creatures exhibiting logarithmic spiral patterns: e.g. snails and various shell fish.
  • Birds and flying insects, exhibiting clear Golden Mean proportions in bodies & wings.
  • The way in which lightning forms branches.
  • The way in which rivers branch.
  • The geometric molecular and atomic patterns that all solid metals exhibit.
  • The way in which a tree spans out so that all its branches receive sunlight
Another, perhaps less obvious but most significant example of this special ratio can be found in Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) - the foundation and guiding mechanism of all living organisms.

The understanding of geometry as an underlying part of our existence is nothing new, and in fact the Golden Mean and other forms of geometry can be seen embedded in many of the ancient monuments that still exist today. The Great Pyramid (the oldest of these structures) at Giza is a good example of this. The height of this pyramid is in Phi ratio (e.g. the Golden Mean Ratio) to its base. In fact, the geometry in this particular structure is far more accurate than that found in any of today's modern buildings.
This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a synagogue). These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named negative green (which acts as carrier-like radio waves that carry sound information). The vibrational quality of the Golden Mean gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer.
We live in the 3rd dimension, or the 'Plane of Manifestation'. The Golden Mean is an intra-dimensional doorway though which matter emerges into manifest 3-D reality. For example, when a star is born it follows specific number sequences or universal rules, the same rules of life in the expansion process. Then we see the light!
Thus the Golden Mean is the "fingerprint" of creation. When we re-create this moving and always expanding sequence, we have in effect - 'the exact movement of creation in the expansion process'. When lightSource is playing, one is encountering and literally being bathed in this 'Golden Ratio' creation activity... undeniably one of the most harmonious, balancing experiences one can interact with.

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