Balanced breathe are of 2 types...
First category is when the breath flows balanced in both the nostrils. This typically happens during dawn and dusk which is when the consciousness switches over based on daily rhythm. Elders prohibit us from doing any worldly activities when the breath flows equally through both the nostrils, this spells disaster. We notice some gurus tell people to balance the breath in both nostrils throughout the day which not right.
The second category of balanced breath is there is no noticeable breathe at all because of deep meditative state. Now breathe is stationed in Ajna chakra or the eyebrow point. During this stage the sub-conscious mind is active and any thought / act during this stage becomes energized and powerful. It is recommended to maintain this state during our worldly life too which is easier said than done.
As per Sage Agasthiyar in his “Saranool Sastram” he says the following activities can be done when the left breath is active:
- Wear new clothes, Jewels, giving employment, construction of wells and ponds, marriage, buy houses or take possession / occupy new house.
- Selling things, interface with government officials, meditation, learn arts etc.
- If you are travelling South or west direction then a lunar breath is good.
As per Sage Agasthiyar in his “Saranool Sastram”, he says the following activities can be done when the right breath is active:
- Teaching, fighting, agriculture, any heavy work, taking medication, sleeping, taking bath etc.
- If you are travelling East or North direction then a solar breath is good.
In short as per our understanding, all physical activities in worldly life should be performed when the right nostril is active. If you have poor appetite, feeling very cold because of weather try switching over to right nostril. A male's magnetism increases with right nostril breathing and the female's magnetism increases with her left nostril breathing. Equal breath through both nostrils and left nostril based breathing is recommended only for meditative purposes. Please note some who do Pranayamam during Sandyavandanam, do only left nostril based breathing. This is a very special breathing technique.
When you sleep in the night it is preferable to sleep turning to your left. Though we don't have any control after we slept, but consciously training ourselves helps us with healthy life.This not only helps digestion but also is the best breath management possible while sleeping.
So to sum up, we saw that we are endowed with a natural breath count and also we have seen 2 important types of breath in our 3 nadis. It is told that the right side / solar breathing is very critical for healthy and long life and we have many examples of yogis and rishis living for many many years using these techniques. The choice is left to us if we want to accept and benefit from these techniques or not. Next week, we will look at what is the breathing rhythm which nature has endowed us and how should we manage this.
Know thy Nature by Raguram Gopalan,
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