Thursday, February 27, 2025

SRM Meditation – A free talk…

What is SRM?

A meditation for everyone! Self Recognition meditation SRM ™ is unique from any other single meditation form including other transcending meditation forms.

Unlike other transcending meditations, SRM mantras are selected that are vibrationally compatible with each meditator rather than randomly selected or selected by age. It is suited for everyone from ages 5 to infinity. It is so simple and easy that anyone in any condition at any age can take up the practices with ease. It only requires 15-30 minutes twice a day.

While we offer basic yoga postures, you are not required to do yoga, nor are you required to sit in an uncomfortable position to meditate. A comfortable chair is enough for successful meditation.

See the Difference…

Results of SRM may vary from person to person depending on regularity and retreats you may take. However, most people report experiencing increased calmness, clarity, concentration, general wellbeing, and happiness. From this, more creativity and productivity arises.

If material wellbeing is your goal, you can likely experience more and more over time. If spiritual wellbeing is desired, over time you will likely experience deeper level awareness and deeper spiritual awakening then possible from mindfulness or transcending forms of meditation.

If you interested there is a free talk on Self Recognition Meditation on Saturday, March 8 at 12:00pm pst (Los Angeles time). Please feel free to give a try. Here is the Zoom link and password info: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 9461 8764
Passcode: 740128

You can find more details about SRM meditation here.

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