Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eight Equals Nine (Shiva Lingam) - Part 3

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
According to Pranava Veda, these three intermediary archetypical forms have separate qualities. Thus they are called the three Gunas. Guna means quality. They are Satwa (8x8 Square; Rajas (octagon); and, Tamas (circle). In modern times, these names and forms are thought to mean something other than what Mayan intended when he described them. As far as we know, Mayan was the first to describe them. In modern times, Tamas guna is said to describe something negative equated with lethargy. Mayan, however did not intend for that to be the meaning. Satwa, according to Mayan is a steady restful, and peaceful state. Rajas is a dynamic state of form. Tamas contains massive or gross material qualities.
According to Pranava Veda each and every material substance, regardless of its outer shape, is ingrained with a three-segmented subtle design. These segments each have an individual design and are linked together to create a whole structure.
These shapes are ingrained within all cosmic and worldly structures and all cosmic and worldly structures are ingrained in these cosmic structures. These three “gunas” or qualities signify qualities of the structures. This three-segmented subtle design is the subtle form of Pranava (2 OMS). Mayan calls this three fold cosmic subtle design “mun nilai.”
These forms are encoded within the structure of the Shiva Lingam. And, the real meaning of the Shiva Lingam is ascertained from what I have just mentioned. It is a visual form of the intermediary part of the manifestation process that is literally contained within each of us.
It is interesting to note at this moment that the waveforms that make up the octagonal and circular forms are transitional waveforms. They fail to have the stability of the square form. If these forms (octagonal and circular) are used in home building they will cause a mental and psychological agitation and fermenting that will then cause physical agitation. Thus, these two forms are rejected for homes while the peace-producing square is preferred. In addition, these forms should be avoided for meditation halls and other structures where peace and harmony are desired. Certain public buildings may be designed using
these forms.
Many people believe that Pranava refers to the sound AUM. In fact, pranava comes from the roots Pirazh + Nava = Pranava. This means to Turn/Flip or turn into nine in Tamil. Pranava means the transformation of 8 into 9 (8x8 grid to 9x9 grid). Brahmarishi Mayan says in the Pranava Veda that consciousness multiplies itself into 8 units or pulses(units of Time) of OM light and OM sound. One unit of TIME has 2 aspects, OM LIGHT and OM SOUND. OM LIGHT divides itself into 8 light atoms that become the raw material for all visual forms. OM SOUND divides itself into 8 sound atoms that become the raw material for all aural forms.
"Yettin pirazhve navamenavagi" ‐ Mamuni Mayan
It means the flipping or turning of 8 is 9 in Tamil. This combination of 8 units of Light and Sound form the 'Three Gunas’, which then form the five gross elements, or 'Pancha Bhutas'. The entire process unfolds a mathematical order that can be emulated for the uplifting of humanity.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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