Saturday, May 4, 2013

Evolution of Universe - 1

As per many ancient scriptures, Universe has evolved from itself and not created by someone. The Brahma(Create), Vishnu (Preserve) and Rudra (Destruct) can be attributed to different process heads in this evolution. They are all different aspects of the same consciousness based on their state of being in the process of evolution / devolution.
We are indebted and thankful to the nobel soul Late. Dr. Ganapathi Stapathi, ( who not only unraveled the Vaastu science – the science of Space and time but also brought to light 2 important books which were over 12000+ years old written in Tamil by Mamuni Maayan.
Mamuni Maayan is believed to be the same person who is popularly known in South America as Mayan and the 2012 phenomenon based on Mayan calendar. Dr. Ganapathi has established proofs that the pyramids in Middle East, the temple architecture in India and the structures in Mexico and Guatemala confirm to a single Science and Mathematics seen in all these works. Now let us understand briefly how this evolution process has come about. According to Mayans 'Aintiram':
The free space is the unified field of energy and matter and source of all forms that we see in material world. That is why Tamil and Sanskrit defined science as Vingyanam. This space consists of very minute particle called Vinporul, nunporul, Sittrambalam, Paramanu, Oliporul, Microbode (விண்ெபாருள், நுண்ெபாருள், சிற்றம்பலம், பரமாணு, ஒளிப்ெபாருள்) and in many names.
The whole process of evolution is a 5 stage process. (Keep noting the importance of 5 and at the background remember Shiva is represented by Panchakshara (5 letter) mantra (Na~Ma~Si~Va~Ya).
So what is the five stage process?
  • This space is called as Moolam (Source).
  • This Moolam starts vibrating and this vibration of the space is called Kalam (Absolute Time and not physical time. We will refer this as time only).
  • This Kalam (time) vibrates to a mathematical resonance called Seelam (Rhythm).
  • This Seelam as it resonates creates Kolam (Shapes – Circles, cubes etc).
  • This Kolam becomes our visible Universe which is called Gnalam.
So it is MOOLAM (Source) – KALAM (TIME) – SEELAM (RHYTHM) – KOLAM (SHAPE) – GNALAM (UNIVERSE). மூலம் - காலம் - சலீ ம் - ேகாலம் – ஞாலம், these are 5 stages of evolution.
This means that the Space itself becomes spatial forms and time is the instrument that creates, sustains and destroys. Lord Siva in Tamil is also called as Kalan (காலன்) as to who controls time since Kalam காலம் is time.
Reference: Time = Space by Raguram Gopalan,

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