Sunday, May 5, 2013

Univer-cell being!

Univer Cell
By seeing oneself as cells separated by space, and understanding that there is approximately one hundred times more space than physical cells in a human body, we can begin to change our perception of who and what we are. Every cell that we inhabit is made up of atoms. Light hitting atoms is what is raising the vibrational frequency of the atom. Raising the frequency makes the atom more light, less solid. The higher our frequency, the more we can interact with the higher dimensional frequency realities that we may think are beyond our reach.

By understanding that the perceptions and emotional opinions we form about the experiences we have, we are forming energy. That energy is impacting the energy of the atoms that make up our solidity. We then begin to realize just how responsible we are for this Earth experience. No experience is “wrong.” It is simply a matter of an infinite soul choosing to “research” in order to learn. ♥

~ Lauren Zimmerman

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