Sunday, April 7, 2013

Love and Resonance

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
In the Vishwakarma tradition I follow there is a concept called resonance. It is due to resonance that the “Vaastu effect” occurs. This resonance is likened to the resonance that occurs when you strike a string on a guitar (for example) and the same string on a guitar next to it voluntarily starts to vibrate. We say that is what happens when a person spends time in a Vaastu building. That is, the luminous thread of consciousness in the cave of their heart (known as the Brahma sutra) starts to vibrate with the special qualities of the Brahmasutra of a properly built Vaastu building. This is what brings the good qualities of the Vaastu building to the life of the person because the qualities of the luminous thread of light of the building called Brahmasutra transfers its qualities to the individuals thread of light or Brahmasutra and then the Brahmasutra of the individual out-pictures its qualities as their life. So, if you change the frequency or vibration of the Brahmasutra then you change the life of the person.
Yellow Tulips
Well, this resonance spoke of in the Vaastu Shastras and Pranava Veda is called bhakti. It is actually a scientific word coined by Brahmarishi Mayan to describe resonance in Vaastu. Most people think it means “service or love.” While it has come to mean that over time, the origin of the word was developed to describe resonance as a concept.
I was discussing this in class and with that discussion I mentioned that research shows that “love” is really simply a biochemical reaction in the body. I mentioned that our emotions are chemical molecules and that includes “love.” (See the text “Molecules of Emotion” and many other books based on solid research). This is of course disconcerting to most people. The term “bhakti” has become romanticized to mean service to the guru or love of God etc, and it is a hard pill to swallow when the real meaning is discussed.
But, to think of bhakti as love and devotion is a misrepresentation of the real meaning of the word. After thinking about it further I thought I would define the word more clearly. “Bha” has several interesting meanings that include: A beam of light, luster, brightness, splendor, to look like, to appear as, to shine upon, to show ones’s self as, to come into manifest as. The suffix “ti” contains among other meanings the idea “to go toward.” It also contains the concept” to attain.”
Furthermore, the Sanskrit noun ”bhakti” is also derived from the verb root ”bhaj”, the meaning of which includes, “to share in” and” to belong to.” It also occurs in compounds where it means, “being a part of” and “that which belongs to or is contained in anything else.”
Hence, putting it all together, we find that “bhakti” refers to a bright, splendorous beam of light (the cosmic Brahmasutra of the building) that looks like ones own beam of light (individual Brahmasutra found in the Atman which resides in the cave of the heart of every living being) that moves toward an individual, shines upon an individual, becomes part of the individual and shares its’ qualities with the individual. This is a perfect description of what Brahmarishi Mayan meant in describing resonance. Hence, the word “bhakti.”
So what about love? Interestingly enough, one of the vibrational qualities of the Brahmasutra of a Vaastu building is referred to as “spiritual bliss.” This sounds like a woo woo word but, in fact, it is a real frequency. This refers to a specific vibration which when experienced is filled with joy, happiness, and immense ecstasy and sense of well-being. Following an upsurge of spiritual bliss a series of emotions may unfold. Among these emotions one may experience something called divine love. Divine love is not the same as human love. It really has no object and is a direct experience of the divine consciousness experiencing itself through you. It has been called rapture and many other things.
When a person has this experience of spiritual bliss and divine love then as the experience fades a bit human love follows. Along with this human love is a sense of wanting to serve the lord in some way. The bhakti or resonance is the cause not the service or love and devotion. In other words, through grace we have the ecstatic experience of spiritual bliss and divine love. We cannot do any service or anything else to create that experience. It is only the divine itself that causes that experience in its’ own time. Then human love and desire to serve follows.
There is satisfaction from loving and serving but that satisfaction is not bhakti. Only the divine causes bhakti. We cannot cause bhakti by our actions of service and devotion. When we enter a Vaastu house or Vaastu temple, there is an automatic bhakti that occurs due to the Divine vibration of the building achieved through application of the numerical order, orientation, and building codes designed to uphold the vibration that are contained in Vaastu Shastras. Only very few living people are properly trained to produce a proper Vaastu building. Thos people have spent years at the feet of a traditional Sthapati year after year and have devoted many years to proper study and experience. Their knowledge can only be passed on by the permission of their Sthapati.
In short, a Vaastu building offers Bhakti to an individual by the Brahmasutra (luminous thread of light) extending itself outward and moving to that part of a human (the Brahmasutra of the Atman) that is like itself (the divine spark found in the cave of the hearty) and brings luster and luminosity to the individual. Bhakti – divine resonance – is for everyone. Mayan said he created this art for the well-being of humanity. Now it is available for the world – for you. We are creating these forms for you – all for love.

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