Sunday, March 3, 2013

Para Brahmam

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
The significant quotes which we saw yesterday reveal that there is something special about Vaastu Shastra that deals with consciousness itself. This special knowledge is focused on how consciousness itself - the invisible - becomes visible and aural forms. In other words, a Vaastu house is a house in which the proper Shastric building codes were employed thus the invisible Vastu becomes visible Vaastu in the house. One of the most important building attributes is the Ayadi calculation that defines the qualities exhibited by any given building based on the frequency generated due to the mathematics of the perimeter of the main wall. Without the proper application of these codes, there is no proper Vaastu. Most buildings today have errors in the measure of their main wall in that it varies in length and width from measures that produce positive results. An existing building that was not built using these codes cannot generally be “corrected.” A trained consultant can look at door placement, driveway and a few other aspects of an existing house and may make recommendations for changes but the Vaastu of the house cannot be corrected short of tearing down the house and starting over. In a few rare situations a house may have a proper motherwall. In these cases something might be able to be done.
This concept of visible and aural forms is explored in other Upanishads such as Tejo Bindu. Tejo Bindu describes two Brahmans – Sabda (sound) and Para Brahman (light). This Upanishad echoes Mayans assertion that to understand the material world you must understand the unmanifest world. Like that, Tejo Bindu asserts that to understand Sabda (sound) you must understand Para Brahmam (light) Implicit in Mayans statement is that the unmanifest brings forth the manifest. And, implicit in Tejo Bindu, light brings forth sound.
Understanding that light precedes sound, helps us to understand that sound has its basis in inner vision. This inner vision is likened to intuition and is subtle in nature. It is this inner vision that brings meaning to the sound that we hear. This meaning is really only derived by the action of the Unmanifest Pure Brahmam. It is awareness itself. When we allow ourselves to be quiet inside we can experience our own inner awareness – inner vision – Brahmam. This awareness is called Artha Brahmam or Vastu Brahmam by the Shilpins.
Vastu Brahmam is called Oli in Tamil – meaning light. The Sonic Being (Sabda) and the Luminous Being (Artha) are the raw materials from which material light and sound emerge. And, it is actually this Luminous Being Oli that is at the root of it all (both aural and visual forms). It is Primal light or Luminous Form that is in fact called Vastu.
How do both of these events occur? They occur through a grammar or mathematical order. This mathematical order, along with design principles based upon this order that is the secret of Vaastu Shastra. This knowledge is so important and potent that according to Mayan, If the proportionate measures fall short of / are reduced, the there would occur severe diseases and if the ordained measures get increased, then the one who commissioned the shilpin for such designs would be ruined, therefore, by all means and efforts, one should design the forms according to the lineaments prescribed.
What is the causal element of this mathematical, grammatical, Mayonic order? Mayan says that it is the rhythmic pulse of Para Brahman (free from vibration). First we have Para Brahman, which then begins to pulse or vibrate. That vibration is called Tudi, which takes on the name Time. Time implies rhythm or moving pulse. This Time (Kaala Brahmam) emits OM light. Everything is implicit in Para Brahman. But then as Para Brahman begins to vibrate, it differentiates itself into time, Om light, Om sound etc. This is the manifestation process shown in this text that gives rise to all forms in the material world. It is a description of the Fabric of the Universe both manifest and unmanifest as articulated by Mamuni Mayan as Vastu and Vaastu.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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