Monday, March 4, 2013

Pranava Veda?

The working pattern of the basic two aspects of Pranava (OM) – OM light and Om sound is the core subject of this work. The nature of Primal Light is analyzed in terms of visible rays, invisible rays, sparks and flames, which are constantly working. In inner cosmos and outer cosmos, (inner cosmos is within every Human body) the nature of Primal Sound is analyzed in terms of audible and inaudible sounds which go hand in hand with the Luminous rays and sparks. The Pranava Veda establishes the truth that there is the basic source of Primal Light, which emits trillions and trillions of luminous beams, which are classified into three - solar, lunar, and fiery. All the visible luminous bodies moving in the near and distant heavens derive their energy only from this Basic Source of Primal Light… The Pranava Veda speaks elaborately on the 64 square grid, micro-abode, five-fold manifestation, five cosmic elements, the positive, negative and neutral interaction between the five cosmic elements and above all the unfailing total identity and correspondence between the inner cosmos (human body) and the outer cosmos.
~ Dr. S. P. Sabharathnam, a Vastu and Agama scholar on Pranava Veda

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