Monday, February 25, 2013

Mind - Life History

Finally we are about to complete our learning on “Mind – Its Mysteries and Control” by Sri Swami Sivananda in couple of weeks. Hope you had all a pleasant journey in learning about our Mind and unraveled some mysteries.
All the articles about mind are grouped under “Mind” category. I know it’s huge to go through all of them, so I am planning to sub categorize them later some time. In these final weeks we will go through some of the beautiful poems about mind by Sri Swami Sivananda which will summarize and conclude what we learned in last 11 months.
O Mind; O Maya’s child!
You always want a form
To lean upon;
You have two forms—
Suddha Manas, pure mind,
Asuddha Manas, impure mind.
Time, space and causation
Are thy categories.
You work through
The law of association;
You think, feel and know.
You are Soul-Energy.
You are Mental Sheath.
You are like a mirror;
Brahman is reflected on you.
You are compared to a tree:
Ego is the seed of this tree,
Thoughts are the branches,
Intellect is the first sprout.
You have another three forms
The conscious mind,
The subconscious mind,
And the superconscious mind.
You are made up of
The subtlest form of food.
You are a bundle of habits,
Impressions and Subtle desires.
You are fourfold:
Mind does Sankalpa-Vikalpa,
Intellect determines,
Subconscious mind executes,
Egoism self-arrogates.
Subconscious comes under conscious mind,
Intellect comes under Ego.
It's all different thought waves.

For those who haven't read the detailed articles, here it is... 
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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