Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mind - Rest at the feet of Lord

O Mind! You have all along been
In the habit of thinking
That wife, children and bungalows
Are your great possessions.
You have failed to bow
Before the Supreme Lord and saints.
Rest, my Mind, rest at the feet of Lord.

O Mind! Surely this body will drop down.
Every moment life is shortening;
The Serpent of Time is swallowing.
The Prana will depart at any moment.
You are happy-go-lucky and playful.
You are silly and stupid.

O Mind! Thou art blind.
You see only this vanity of things.
You do not see the great end drawing near.
Death is creeping in silently.
Wake up, O Mind,
From thy slumber of ignorance
And think of the all-merciful Lord.

There is no hope for thee
Except through the glorious Lord.
Break through the illusion
And take refuge in Lord.
Then alone you are blessed.
Thus sayeth Sivananda.

For those who haven't read the detailed articles, here it is...
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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