Saturday, November 17, 2012

Vaastu Science in Architecture

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
”When inner space and outer space resonate together in harmony then peacefulness, vitality, health, prosperity, and dynamic, ecstatic creativity become the natural order and effortless experience." - Brahmarishi Mayan, circa 10,500 BC
“The Universal Space, when bounded or enclosed by a walled structure, assumes negative and positive qualities, just like the human being possessing a particle of the universal space (called inner space / inner being) does exhibit positive and negative behavior during its life time.
The Vaastu Shastras attempt to calm down all negative qualities of space by arranging the built space in a scientific way. The individual or individuals living in such a well defined space experiences peace and bliss. This wards-off all illnesses attributable to Space. Hence Indian architecture is said to be therapeutic.”                   - Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati, Contributions of Viswakarmans to the Science, Technology & Culture of Indian Origin, 2000, Appendix II.
When the 8x8 grid becomes 9x9 it forms the basic energetic structure of universe. When followed through in the construction of built space that built space reflects the energy of the cosmos. What we want to replicate for permanent human and divine living space is the most peaceful, stable form that reflects a full balance of Om Light, OM Sound, Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Space. Vaastu Shastras recognize no other form for human dwelling other than the square or rectangle. In Sthapati’s quote above he mentions that enclosed space brings both negative and positive qualities. He mentions that proper application of Vaastu Shastras calm down all negative qualities of space by arranging it in a scientific way. An example of the affect of space can be seen in nomadic peoples who dwell in circular or polygonal forms (teepees, domes, and yurts). Their lives are in constant movement and their communities do not thrive in a settled manner. The dome or circular form produces an overabundance of the air element, which has the characteristic of excessive motion and movement.
An examination of the life of the Plains indigenous people who lived in teepees in contrast to the Eastern indigenous people makes this point clear. As an example, the Eastern peoples lived in rectangular buildings, had a formal government that united the tribes (Iroquois Federation upon which our nation was modeled), farmed, and enjoyed peaceful communal living. The Plains people were on the move, did not farm or raise much food, and were constantly at war with each other. Fundamentally, round structures reflect the Tamas guna and ultimately do not bring Spiritual Bliss and happiness. They are missing the settled expression of air, fire, water, earth and space elements. They are fine for temporary structures (in fact excellent for disaster situations etc.) but not for habitation where they will remain for any length of time. Ultimately they will bring disharmony to a dwelling site especially if they are activated through Vaastu.
In India the only traditional buildings that are round are for dancing and entertainment where people only stay a short time and movement is part of the character of their use. In addition, Kali temples are round. These temples are rare and require very special care to avoid certain inharmonious affects.
Creating positive, life supporting and spiritually enlightening effects requires knowledge of specific rules of Vaastu Science. Those specific rules have been meticulously delineated in the writings of Mamuni Mayan and translated and applied by Dr. V.Ganapati Sthapati in his Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda, Dakshini Publishing House, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, second edition 2005.
The scientific knowledge of Mamuni Mayan extended from the innermost, smallest particle of the unmanifest to the outermost largest conglomeration of particles in the manifest world. Within that entire range, Mayan was able to note the size of what scientists today call the atom. He accurately predicted and measured the size of the earth’s mantle. In addition he noted the movement of the planets and constellations including the qualities and characteristics of what are called nakshatras (27 celestial bodies that have frequency and numerical equivalence). He was an expert at understanding vibration and frequency.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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