Saturday, June 25, 2016

We are everything...

we are everything...
We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love
and then we return home — Australian Aboriginal proverb
I remember the serene humongous place filled with misty white light and pillars. I can still feel the awe from the first time I visited this place in my dreams as a child. Despite the powerful authority in its being this place had a sacred, soothing, loving, sublime energy. Everything seemed bathed in glowing, misty white light as if it the place was made out of clouds. At the time I did not know what I was tapping into but I do remember I wanted to stay there longer.
As far as I can recall even as a child I was always intrigued by the cycle of life and death. I had a deep awareness of a bigger plan and purpose. Visit to the misty white halls during sleep as a child and waking up with messages of wisdom beyond my earth age was mind boggling for my parents to say the least. I felt an unexplainable connection to this secret place and was pleasantly surprised when I consciously accessed the Akashic records for the first time many years after. It was a feeling of Déjà vu, a feeling of coming home. As soon as I accessed my records soothing sound of chimes and harp greeted me. A feeling of love emanated from the records and I could feel the loving joy in my heart. Surrounded with love I witnessed visuals and words as if I was watching a 4D PowerPoint presentation.
Who are we?
Most of us are seeking answers regarding our soul journey to explain who we are, what our soul purpose is, why do we suffer, why certain things, issues, patterns are so persistent in our lives? Why no amount of effort is good enough to change them? It’s like being caught in a vicious circle where the variables (people, places, and situations) change but the patterns persist. They just change form but don’t disappear.
Our essence is divine. We embody the Source, representing the highest vibration of love. We are an integral part of Universal Consciousness and are never isolated. Earth is our school where we take human form and incarnate lifetime after lifetime. We learn lessons for soul advancement through life experiences to manifest the spiritual perfection we embody at a physical earth plane. Through these experiences we continue our journey of spiritual growth and evolvement with the latent desire to align ourselves with our ultimate soul purpose - to be one with Source.
I remember during my first conscious journey in the Akashic records I was looking for answers to some relationship issues. I was definitely not expecting the insights that came through from not one but three previous lifetimes. Saying that I was taken by surprise would be an understatement. I had no idea the issues affecting one relationship was a string of patterns that were manifesting in other areas of my life as well and they were definitely not working in my benefit. The origin of these issues was totally unexpected and it took a little while for the awareness to sink in. With awareness came healing followed by a sense of liberation. Ever since I started connecting with the energy of Akashic records I have been able to see past the illusion and make life choices that have opened (still opening) new doors and opportunities that I couldn’t have dreamt of earlier.
What are Akashic Records?
Akasha is a Sanskrit word which means ether, primary or primordial substance out of which everything is formed. It surrounds us in entirety. Akashic records or hall of records as referred to by some is multi-dimensional library of light wherein all the information and wisdom pertaining to each and every soul ever incarnated is encoded in light. The wisdom of the Akashic records is very sublime and for centuries was only available to seers, saints and highly evolved souls. It is a responsibility that was only entrusted to the ones who were capable of respecting its sacredness. However, in the Age of Aquarius as humanity is evolving we have come from a state of dependency to a state of responsibility, taking conscious ownership for our spiritual growth and evolution.
Akashic records have existed from the beginning of time. Even though the name is derived from Sanskrit these are recognized and interpreted by different names across different cultures and belief systems (in ‘Torah’ as the book of remembrance; in Bible as the Book of Life). According to Garuda Purana, Chitragupta tracks and builds a record of every action of each life form from birth to death. In mystical traditions these documents are referred to as the Akashic records, said to contain every action that has ever taken in the universe. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) the American mystic also known as the ‘sleeping prophet’ used the trance channeling method to access the records and relayed information and wisdom pertaining to spirituality and human evolution. Besides Edgar Cayce theosophist Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light” recording both the past and future of human thought and action; Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) also referred to the Akashic Records in his writings. According to quantum physicist Ervin Laszlo -“it is the electromagnetic imprint of everything that’s ever happened in the Universe”. In simple language it would be fair to call Akashic records a vibrational filing system where every thought, word, emotion, action generated by soul experience since its beginning is recorded which translates directly to past, present and future possibilities.
These records are not set in stone. They are ever evolving and this trait can be attributed to Karma. We are all too familiar with ‘Karma’ - the concept of “action” or “deed”, which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect. Commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Taoism; it is synonymous with “what goes around comes around” and “one reaps what one sows” in western culture. It refers to the totality of our actions and their reactions in this and past lifetimes, all of which shapes our future.
Where are Akashic Records located and how they can be accessed?
Akashic records exist in the higher realms of Consciousness in Akasha above the astral plane and are guarded by the powerful beings of light. These gatekeepers of the records have never been incarnated. They do not have physical bodies or names and their strong energetic presence can only be felt. Their responsibility is to ensure the sacredness and sanctity of the records is protected and maintained.
While accessing information about past lifetimes we tap into the seventh vibration and above where all the information pertaining to past lifetimes is stored. There are various ways of accessing the energy of the Akashic records like trance channelling, meditations, sacred prayers, breathing techniques etc. I use a sacred prayer to align with the heart and soul of the records. It gives the attunement or the key to fine tune the messages and wisdom being received from this sublime realm. Once the Records are opened the Keepers of the Records direct the course and as guided the information that is most valuable for the one whose records are being read is retrieved.
In the sublime energy of the Akasha all inner sensory receptors are awakened and intuition is heightened. As we open to Divine guidance we allow ourselves to receive the illuminating wisdom that comes from the ascended beings of light.
How can accessing Akashic Records heal?
In search of answers, we seek help from others looking for a ray of hope and explanation about the causes of what we are going through, not to mention a quick fix as remedy. While the energy field and vibration can give us some information, the long lasting healing power lies deep within our soul.
When Akashic records are accessed the information pertaining to current life situations is always highlighted. Many times latent patterns come to surface so they can be healed. Akashic records are like an online resource (if you think about it they are literally like a virtual library); the more questions we ask the more clear answers we receive.
The past lives specifics like who I was in the past life or what I did in that life is not important. What is important is the wisdom that comes from accessing those lifetimes, the insight into any karmic debts, blockages or patterns that are still manifesting in this life as a result of previous lifetimes.
The records point out the origin of such karmic debts, patterns or blockages which in most cases can be traced back to previous lifetimes. Some of these are linked to unfinished business or pending lessons that the soul has yet to learn. In some cases these are the triggers to remind the soul of lessons mastered in previous lifetime that are waiting to be activated through memory in this lifetime.
Akashic Records provide all the information and understanding so one can take appropriate action. They empower us so we can create a change in our life, release self-limiting beliefs, transform relationships in our inner and outer Universe and embrace peace as a way of life. They never tell us what to do. The guidance comes from a non-judgemental place of love and compassion providing opportunities for growth and direction for soul’s advancement.
The Akashic Record Connection
Learning to access one’s own Akashic records is empowering. By aligning with the energy of our soul’s records we gain insight, guidance and wisdom to overcome issues and challenges which enables us to live our life fully and abundantly. It gives us a sense of accountability and deep healing as layers peel off and we discover our self beyond the mirage of time and space. Accessing records of others is an enriching experience because it’s not only an opportunity to assist someone progress on their life path but also many times the messages received contain wisdom that applies to our life. One of the most common feedbacks I receive after Akashic record session is “feeling light as if some weight is lifted off.”
The wisdom and knowledge encoded in Akashic records is sacred. To strengthen the relationship with the records it’s important to work with integrity in the records. When we work from a place of pure, unconditional love without interference from our Ego we are able to receive and translate the messages clearly making amazing progress possible.
To experience this profound empowering tool write to us for information on one of our upcoming certification workshops near you.
- Bhavya Gaur

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