Thursday, July 23, 2015

communing with Self...

God is everywhere. But if we do not see Him or feel Him inside our hearts, then we will not be able to see Him anywhere. First we have to see Him within us and talk to Him inside our hearts. Then only will we be able to see God and speak to God.

We live in ignorance. That is why we feel that God is somewhere else. But if we go deep within, if we realise the Highest within ourselves, then we will see that our own consciousness is one with God’s Consciousness. Right now, an ordinary human being will never dare to say that he and God are one, for he knows that his consciousness is tiny, limited, obstructed. But when the Christ said, “I and my Father are one,” he was fully conscious of the fact that his consciousness and God’s Consciousness were totally one.

We have to shed soulful tears if we want to embody the Supreme consciously and if we want to fulfil and manifest the Supreme at every moment of our earthly existence. When a child cries, the mother comes running. Similarly, when we cry from the inmost recesses of our heart, our eternal Father, the Supreme, comes running to feed us, to illumine us, to carry us to the Golden Shore of the Beyond.

The Voice of Truth
Will speak to us
Only when our heart becomes
A sacred reservoir.
~ Sri Chinmoy

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