Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mind - Temple and Service

Temple of Mind
O Mind! Drink thou
The nectar of Lord’s holy Name.
Shun evil company.
Abandon tea, liquor and smoking.
Give up tobacco, costly dress.
Wear simple clothing.
Have plain living
And high thinking.
Associate with the saints,
Devotees and sages.
Hear thou Lord’s discourses.
Drive lust, anger and greed.
Keep thy abode holy.
Then only the Lord
Will dwell in ‘Mano-Mandir’,
Temple of Mind.
A pure mind
Is the house of love.
Remove the seeds
Of jealousy and pride
Then only my King
Will dwell in you,
Light the light of love
And illumine His palace.

Serve the Saints
O Mad Mind!
You can’t expect
An iota of happiness
In sensual objects.
Give up all vain hopes
If you still hope.
It is like trying
To get butter
By churning water.
It is like the attempt
Of the Chatak bird
To get water from the smoke;
Its eyes will be spoiled.
It is like the attempt
To drink water
In the mirage;
Or to get silver
From the mother of pearl.
Think of the feet of Lord.
Recite His Name.
Live in the company
Of saints and devotees.
Do regular Prayer.
Meditate on His form.
Serve the saints.
You will enjoy bliss.

For those who haven't read the detailed articles, here it is...
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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