Tuesday, October 8, 2013


With the cosmic waves of comets and meteors rippling through the planetary field, many are feeling a resonant stirring within… an inner awakening from a long slumber as the Cosmic Serpent that makes it sacred home at the base of our spine responds to the clarion call of the long hailed return of Quetzalcoatl… the Christ Consciousness.

This Cosmic Serpent is none other than our Divine Kundalini. This is the coiled energy that rises through our central channel along the spine, destined for the Pineal Gland where it then bursts forth from the crown chakra, culminating in the profound experience of raptured enlightenment.

As this potent life force energy makes its way through our Group Avatar Body, we arrive at a long anticipated milestone in the evolution of human consciousness - the birth of our androgynous blueprint. With this fiery serpentine energy flowing freely, we begin to witness our unlimited creative potential and the manifestation of miracles in our service to the Earth.
~ Children of The Sun ☼ ~
Source: http://iamhotep.tumblr.com/post/60317975572/

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