Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Big Thaw and the dispersion of humanity - 1

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
In 15,000 BC the earth was a cold planet - an Ice making machine. The planet was in its fifth ice age. The glacial maximum (coldest period with maximum icecaps and lowest seal level) had occurred 2000 – 3000 years earlier. The world was colder and dryer and far less hospitable than today. The enormous ice sheets held massive amounts of water lowering sea levels. The world’s oceans were more than 460 feet lower than what they are today. This resulted in exposure of continental shelves, joined landmasses, and extensive coastal plains. (Fleming, et. al. (1998). "Refining the eustatic sea-level curve since the Last Glacial Maximum using far - and intermediate-field sites". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 163 (1-4): 327-342).
The geography of the earth was significantly different from the present day and humanity lived primarily in a small concentrated area of the earth called the equatorial belt. The map below shows the earth as it may have looked in 15,000 BC. The land area between the two grey horizontal lines represents the equatorial belt and the grey area in the center (circled) is a landmass that existed 17,000 years ago.
Equatorial Belt
This continent was the most suitable landmass to support human civilization because it possessed tropical rain forest and an abundance of resources and wild life making it the Eden of the ancient world. This lost continent some call Oceania but it was called Kumari Continent or Kumaria according to the ancient literature of Tamil Nadu, South India. It is said, in the ancient literature, that it was here that the earth’s climate was conducive to support large agricultural based populations. This is where some scholars believe that the cradle of human civilization flourished and it is here that humanity developed a highly sophisticated society perhaps comparable to our own in many ways.
The areas of the uppermost and lower parts of the map in dark grey represent enormous glaciers that were as high as the Rocky Mountains and covered large portions of the world’s landmasses. The areas in light grey were tundra, which supported very little vegetation and sparse life. The earth was a cold, dry planet and these areas lacked warmth, rainfall and moisture.
The darkest grey color within the equatorial belt (what is now Central Africa and Central America and Northern South America) represents areas of the earth that supported plant and animal life. Some of these areas were desert and these large land masses were colder in temperature Equatorial belt 15 than Oceania, due to warmer ocean currents. Humans most likely lived in these areas but most of these areas were not conducive to support large populations that could develop agriculture and civilizations.
About 15,000 BC the ice sheets stopped advancing and the earth began to warm slowly. Around 12,000 BC, an unknown geological or cosmic event triggered a sudden spectacular thawing of the earth – a mass global warming. The enormous glaciers that covered most of the earth quickly melted filling the oceans with water causing ocean encroachment into the low-lying coastal areas where much of human population existed. Within a relatively short span of time the melting waters from the glaciers rapidly elevated the sea levels and submerged enormous landmasses, including much of Kumari Continent, reshaping the geography and the living space of humanity.
The rapid thawing of the earth and the receding Ice Age were cataclysmic. Tidal waves of massive proportions swept the shorelines of ancient earth and consumed them beneath the rapidly rising oceans. Along with these events, the global warming caused extensive evaporation, which then caused extended monsoons that caused an inundation of the land with flooding. Entire continents of land submerged beneath the rising oceans and gigantic super hurricane force storms and monsoons long lasting swept the planets surface.
Because of the gigantic loss of landmass, groups of inhabitants from Kumari Continent migrated from their homelands to other habitable places on the earth. These groups may have been the legendary 12 lost tribes. Some researchers believe that the native language of these people was an ancient form of Tamil.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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