Sunday, March 31, 2013

Vaastu Veda - Link to The Ancient Past 2

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Veda Vyasa in his Bhagvatam mentions the Pranava Veda:
Vyasa on Pranava Veda
This is paraphrased as: In the ancient past there existed only one Veda and it was called the Pranava Veda.
During the time of the Pranava Veda, India was united as one great country whose borders spanned to Persia, Afghanistan, Nepal and into Cambodia and the Far East. There was no caste or division by religion or color. This Unity also reached to Kumari Continent that once existed in the South Ocean below India but was deluged by water from the melting icecaps (circa 10,000 BC). This fact has been revealed in the Bhagavatam, Sankalpa, Saivagama, and other sources.
The literature that supports the body of knowledge in the Vishwakarma tradition is vast. In India, there were more than 70 Shastras held by the Shilpis. In addition there are over fifteen Shastras written by the ancient Rishi Mayan who was the progenitor of this entire body of knowledge including the previously mentioned Pranava Veda, Aintiram, Suryasidhantam and Mayamatam.
The technical material found in this vast body of literature can also be found in epics, puranas, and throughout the body of literature called the Vedas. References to the scientific, technical and spiritual aspects of this knowledge can be found throughout the Vedas. Once the foundational knowledge from the Pranava Veda and Aintiram is understood then the normally difficult – to – understand Rig (Rik) Veda becomes well understood and profoundly significant.
Chapter 17 in Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapatis' text, Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda discusses the Upanishads that are left out of the usual list of Upanishads. Apart from the 108 Upanishads, there are non-listed ones that reveal the most basic and subtle principles of cosmic science and cosmic structure, principles not revealed in other Upanishads.
Shilpa Vidya Rahasyopanishad (one of the non-listed Upanishads) brings out the potency of the cosmic science known as Shilpa. Vaastu Sutropanishad refers to the metaphysical question of the origin of form and its importance for the attainment of spiritual realization or "moksha." This Upanishad throws light on the basic conceptions and practice underlying sacred art.
These Upanishads, if studied and understood, provide a deepened understanding of the other Vedas. According to Dr. S. P. Sabharathnam the Vedas are to be studied and properly understood by those whose minds have first been illumined and perfected by the systematic study of Agamas and Vaastu scriptures.
He mentions that while an Agamic or Vastu Scholar could easily understand that the first Mantra of the Rig Veda speaks of the 5 concentric belts of cosmic structure, no existing commentaries and translations of the Rig Veda offer any reference to the implication of the 5 belts of cosmic structure (as described in this text). This knowledge is revitalized through the Grace of God by the efforts of Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati. He is our root – our moolam.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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