Saturday, March 23, 2013

Vaastu Temple - Part 1

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
In a small and obscure red rock canyon in southern AZ called Aztec Canyon you can find a little metal roofed square building, which measures about 10’. x/32” by 10’. x/32 “ by 10’. x/32” in size, sitting amongst a forest of old black oak trees that are native to that land. (The mathematics are precise but not offered here because they are part of the ancient Vaastu Rahasya – secret of Vaastu – and can only be given by a Sthapati or his or her direct representative). The Temple Cottage, as it is called, was built-in the summer of 2010 by students from around the world who were studying an ancient building science called Mayonic Science and Technology, Sthapatya Veda or more popularly, Vaastu. Its’ construction was part of a 1-½ year program to become a certified Vaastu Consultants through the American University of Mayonic Science and Technology
Vaastu Temple
People who visit this building notice that it is simple, elegant and precisely built to 1/16th of an inch or better. More than that, they notice that there is an inexplicable feel to it that immediately brings a sense of peace, happiness and what some have called spiritual bliss. No matter what your mood might be upon entering this special building, you will feel elevated and at peace. It is an unmistakable feeling that has been scientifically verified through research conducted in this and similar buildings using state of the art equipment that measures something called heart coherence.
Heart coherence (the relative stability of the heart beat with more or less variability) has been demonstrated to indicate the level of stress in an individual and the subsequent state of their body, brain, emotions and consciousness. High heart coherence (low .. 2 heart rate variability) indicates a peaceful, blissful, connected state and low coherence indicates a restless stressed state with all of the biochemistry associated with that state. There are indications that heart coherence may be a more profound indicator of higher states of consciousness then research in brain wave patterns. Put simply, scientists are finding that the brain is not the commander – the mind of the heart is in fact the one who runs the show.
When one expects to feel something often they do – real or not. Science helps eliminate the collusion that happens so often in this age of crystals, chanting, and tarot cards. We now know that buildings such as these have an authentic and unmistakable positive affect on people. In the research that was conducted (Mercay and Hoffman, January and July 2010), individuals were measured before and during exposure to such a building (including this one). The results were clear – the subjects demonstrated a significant increase in heart coherence while being in these buildings. Their heart coherence doubled in every case. Subjectively they noted an increase in happiness, wellbeing, peacefulness and that subtle illuminating experience called spiritual bliss.
I remember taking an unsuspecting electrician into one of these small buildings a few years ago when I was building such a house and Temple Cottage for a family in New Mexico. He knew nothing about what I was doing. When he entered the Temple Cottage he said, “Wow I almost feel dizzy – it feels really good in here.” His words faded off as he stood blissfully in the Temple of Space Science as Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati calls them. On the same site, the county building inspector who came to inspect the much larger house being built on the same property using the same ancient principles turned around one day and said, “I don’t know what it is about this house – it looks like any other house – but there is something special going on here.”
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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