Thursday, March 28, 2013

To the Mind and Senses - 2

O Mind!
Always think of Lord.
Repeat Hi’s Name.
Meditate on His form.
Fix yourself at His lotus-feet.

O Tongue!
Always sing His Name and glory.
Do Kirtan and Prayer.
Take His Prasad and Charanamrita.

O Ears!
Hear the Lilas of Lord
And His Songs.

O Eyes!
Behold the image of Almighty.

O Nose!
Smell the Tulasi leaves and flowers
That have been used in the worship of Him

O Hands!
Offer flowers to Him.
Sweep the temple.
Clean the lights in the temple.
Bring flowers and Tulasi for worship.
Do charity and do service,
In worship of Lord.

O Feet!
Do Pradakshina around the temple.
Go on pilgrimage to temples.

O Body!
Serve the devotees, saints and the Guru.
Serve the poor and the sick.

Prayer to the Lord
O Lord of compassion!
Just hear my prayer.
The mind is very mischievous.
It is very turbulent.
It is disobedient.
I scolded the mind.
I gave him admonitions.
I gave him good counsels.
But he has his own ways.
I told the mind clearly
Not to take Sweet
When there is diarrhoea.
He said, ‘Very well’
Like the lady in labour pains.
But he eats sweet again!
I told the mind
Not to speak ill of others.
But he never leaves this habit!
I again and again told the mind
Not to become angry.
But he becomes annoyed
For trifling things!
I cannot control the mind.
Thou art the Indweller
And prompter of the mind.
You alone can control him,
Please do this for me.

Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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