Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mind - Remember and Let it go...

Why do you Forget?
O Mind! You are still under delusion,
Even after doing some Spiritual practice
And enjoying the good company of great souls.
Why do you, O Mind, forget
That this world is a manifestation of Lord?
Why do you become angry,
Although you know
That all are forms of Lord?
Why do you offer stale plantains to Lord,
Who feeds the whole world
With all kinds of food?
How vainly do you offer to the Lord
Sweetmeats, fruits and Shundal!
Feed Him with the nectar of devotion
And be happy forever.

Sacrifice the Passions
O Mind, why art thou so anxious?
Abandon all anxieties.
Repeat Lords Name.
Sit in meditation in a quiet place.
Worship the Lord in secret
So that none may know.
You will become proud
From all pomp of worship.
Why do you sacrifice animals?
Sacrifice egoism, Like-Dislike
And the lust-passions.
What need is there for drums,
Bells and tom-toms?
Clap your hands
And lay your mind at His feet.
Why do you endeavor to illumine Him
With lamp and candle?
Light the jeweled lamp of the Mind.
Let is flash its lustre day and night.

For those who haven't read the detailed articles, here it is...
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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