Sunday, March 10, 2013

Learning to Practice Vaastu

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
In ancient days, Mayan had an academy in which he taught through the Guru Kulam system – direct transmission of knowledge and experience from Guru or teacher to student. Over time Vaastu Shastras have traditionally only been taught to Vishwakarmans – father to child. It is indeed a privilege that Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati has taught this knowledge in an Academy like setting and has opened up the teaching and authorized Dr. Jessie Mercay to teach in an Academy setting much like Mayan.
Learning this knowledge is a serious and profound undertaking. It cannot be learned in a weekend workshop or even a few weeks. In addition to the technical knowledge that can be learned through lecture and texts, it is an internal process. It’s not only that the brain has to learn this knowledge. Rather, there must be a direct connection with Atman in the cave of the heart cultured in a specific way in order to fully understand this system. One may know the “rules” yet not understand a building plan or the knowledge in general on the level of frequency.
This understanding does not come from the intellect – it comes from direct contact with inner being. This is a higher level of knowing. The teacher must be able to help the student culture that “knowing” over time through specific methods of instruction. It is a process that requires experience and integration. The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology offers that experience and integration. There, the student researches the Primal Source and Force within. From this he or she, comes to understand the Force and to know the qualities of the Supreme Substance. Then and only then can the individual understand life according to Mayan.
Mayan says in the 16th verse of the Pranava Veda:
When those who are searching for the truth in a state of independence understand the force, technology, character and meaning of the knowledge hidden within the Ōm (Light and Sound), then they will acquire the complete knowledge of the five fold Veda.
Mayan indicates that seekers of Truth will find that Truth when they understand the hidden meaning and character of Om. This deep learning can only come from specific guidance through this body of knowledge by a teacher of the tradition. When that occurs, the full Veda will be understood in parts and as a whole.
Mayan also says (Vs. 20) that Pranava Veda and related Vedas guide the way for survival of earthial beings. This knowledge brings order to life and allows humans to exist in a state of harmony, prosperity, and bliss.
The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology invites you to learn this knowledge in the proper setting. You may take introductory one – week courses or the complete program just for the knowledge or you may take the Vaastu certification programs for lay people, architects, and builders. ( Your life will be changed forever.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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