Friday, February 15, 2013

What is God?

God is not separate from man or any other thing. Hence, it is very easy for everybody to understand God if they try in the proper way. Innumerable living beings with different actions and concepts are enjoying their lives on the earth. Among them, man is a special being; his body and mind are so well-constituted by the nature. Although there are imbalances in the ability to understand and deal with nature by other species, man is a complete entity able to know the nature by his sixth sense and lead a balanced life.
For complete success and happiness man should realize God, Almighty, so that he can live his life in unison with the law of Nature and thereby lead a balanced life. With this purpose man is provided the capability to realize God. Even then, "Why do we see so much crime and disturbances in the world?" The reason is that most people don't know the primordial force, God. Therefore they are not able to lead life harmoniously.
There are two steps in realization of God.
  • One is to realize God in the true manner,as it is existing.
  • The other is to realize how God is working as providence in the human being.
Let us raise the question first: What is God? God is the supremely divine, fluid, highly transparent, mighty force with omniscient consciousness, fully pervading all objects and places. If so, which mighty force can be taken as God? God is not separate from man or any other thing. Hence, it is very easy for everybody to understand God if they try in the proper way.
In a real sense, God is not other than the pure space which is characterized as Plenum, Force, Consciousness and Time. Because man is restricted with his activities and thinking only with the perceivable objects, his mind cannot extend to the stage of understanding of God, which is imperceptible by senses, but easily understandable by his sixth sense.
First we conceive the God as Pure Space. Pure space does not mean it is vacant or a vacuum. If it is a vacuum, nothing will appear from it. Therefore, we have to go to further depths to realize Almighty, God. Here are some words of identification to realize God in its true manner: Nature (God) is Absolute Space: everlasting, singular, almighty, all-penetrative, thoroughly permeable, highly transparent, imperceptible, dark fluid matter; it is characterized by quivering kinematic self-compressive, ever-increasing, surrounding pressure force, which results in automatic repulsion in its intensification and emerges as the infinitesimal energy particle.
Nature is identified as Unified Force, the source of all forces, with four indivisible innate qualities: plenum, force, consciousness and time. If these words of identification are kept in mind, gradually one will cultivate and retain the habit of becoming that supreme power, God. First of all, one has to keep in mind the divine truth that God and universe and all the actions and results of universe are not separate from one another.
If God is realized according to this identification, it is understood that God, the supreme Force itself, transformed as universe. First, because of its own self-compressive force it becomes a divine powder which is the ether, paramanu, or "formative dust." By the surrounding pressure of Almighty every dust gets spinning action upon its emergence itself. Such spinning force magnetizes the dust. Again by the surrounding pressure of Almighty God the dust associates into a group and this becomes an energy particle, called by science as atomic particles (electrons, etc.). Again, by the same surrounding pressure the atomic particle is made to spin. By its spinning, its constituent dust gets increased magnetic power which creates a repulsive force, throwing away the constituent dust particles. As they go away, the travelling force of this divine dust originates all kinds of waves. As such waves emit within the five elements (Panch Bhutas) the dust particles (ether) transform into the five tanmatra (pressure, sound, light, smell and taste) and into mind in living beings. So the divine force, God, is not separate anywhere. It is a divine fluid filled in the whole universe and being such a powerful magnetic force it causes all kinds of images and forms to appear. In each and every atom and its group varied and wonderful appearances are formed and all are linked together by the universal force.
We have to remember the whole universe is constituted with Pure Space and the waves of energy particle. Therefore there are only two kinds of actions in the universe: One is self-compressive force and the other is repulsive force. Wherever the compressive force is surfeited, automatically it becomes repulsion. Repulsive force of Almighty is not other than the overflow of compressive force. By these two kinds of actions of force of God, the whole universe and all living beings are protected, guided and producing all the results we understand and perceive.
The four aspects of God - Plenum, Force, Consciousness and Time - extend in all kinds of transformation. In everything from the divine dust to the planets and living beings the very same wonderful power exists and functions in every place and thing. When one becomes aware of this truth he will give due respect to everything and all living beings so that in turn their cooperation and usefulness will enhance the happiness, satisfaction and peace of all. Realization of God is a must for every human being. The individual himself can rarely realize the Truth without guidance. There should be some arrangement in the society to teach this greatness of the universal treasure, God. To make the realization of God and self easily possible, a psychic practice called Kundalini Yoga is very helpful. With these words I conclude this article, with due respect to all realized souls living in the world. All may be blessed by the divine power with good health, long life, prosperity, wisdom and peace!
- Vethathiri Maharishi

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