Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Absolute Space" - The God?

Is "Absolute Space" is the God? It would be interesting to explore this topic further as a continuation from yesterday’s post on "What is God". Throughout our learning  on spirituality, science, philosophy, we are finding this same universal truth repeated again and again in scriptures, mystical poems, ancient science and ancient medicine, even though it has been interpreted in different ways by different people across the ages in their own forms and names. But at the end all are pointing towards one ultimate reality.
Vastu and Vaastu Science
Brahmam - Vastu Brahmam or Vastu Purusha or Vastu refers to primal, unmanifest, potential energy – Consciousness as energy. It is the energy through which and within which material forms manifest. Vaastu Shastras speak of Cosmic Space as being the source of energy. Cosmic Space refers to Brahmam or Consciousness itself – the source of the entire material world. As per Dr. Jessie Mercy "Throughout history and among many cultures, this primal energy has been given many names. The names range from religious (God, Brahmam), artistic (Creative Intelligence) to scientific (the Unified Field). Vastu is that unmanifest, subtle or unseen energy field that lives eternally. It is the Field within which the manifest world exists as particles and is ultimately governed."
Santana Dharma or Hinduism
Brahman - Brahman is the source of all living things in this universe. Brahman is the ground of all reality and existence. Brahman is uncreated, external, infinite and all-embracing. It is the ultimate cause and goal of all that exists. It is One and it is All. All beings emanate from Brahman; all beings will return back to the same source. Brahman is in all things and it is the true Self (Atman) of all beings. In its deepest essence, the human soul is identical with the immortal Brahman that sustains the entire universe.
Taoism and East Asian Philosophies
Tao - Laozi explains that Tao is not a 'name' for a 'thing' but the underlying natural order of the universe whose ultimate essence is difficult to circumscribe. Tao is thus "eternally nameless” (Dao De Jing-32. Laozi) and to be distinguished from the countless 'named' things which are considered to be its manifestations. In Taoism, Chinese Buddhism and Confucianism, the object of spiritual practice is to 'become one with the tao' (Tao Te Ching) or to harmonise one's will with Nature (cf. Stoicism) in order to achieve 'effortless action' (Wu wei). This involves meditative and moral practices. Important in this respect is the Taoist concept of De (virtue). In all its uses, Tao is considered to have ineffable qualities that prevent it from being defined or expressed in words. It can, however, be known or experienced, and its principles (which can be discerned by observing Nature) can be followed or practiced.
Ein Sof - Ein Sof or Ayn Sof (Hebrew), in Kabbalah, is understood as God prior to His self-manifestation in the production of any spiritual Realm. Ein Sof is the divine origin of all created existence. Ein Sof refers to "Infinite Nothingness" suggesting God's absolute transcendence from all form of Beings.
Wahdat - Major ideas in Sufi metaphysics have surrounded the concept of Wahdat or "Unity with God". Two main Sufi philosophies prevail on this controversial topic. Wahdat-ul-Wujood (Unity of Being) essentially states that the only truth within the universe is God, and that all things exist within God only. Wahdat-ul-Shuhud (Apparentism, or Unity of Witness), on the other hand, holds that any experience of unity between God and the created world is only in the mind of the believer and that God and his creation are entirely separate.It is the state where there is no difference between God and human being who is trying to achieve a particular state i.e. 'No One Except God'.
Native American
Wakan-Taka - The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. - Black Elk, Oglala Sioux & Spiritual Leader
Modern Science
Unified Field - The word God as we use it refers to something akin to Unified Field or Quantum Field. Physicists theorize that there is a single unified field of unmanifest pure energy that is the source of the material world. They view the material world as impulses or waveforms that are fluctuations of a unified field. In addition there are various other theories such as string theory that hold that the unified field is filled with “strings” that are one-dimensional oscillating lines or threads. Without going into too much depth, these oscillating strings are holographic in nature and ultimately produce matter.
In summary, the conception of God is denoted as Brahmam (Vastu and Vaastu Science), Brahman (Santana Dharma or Hinduism), Tao (Taosim, Chinese Buddhism and Confucianism), Ein-Sof or Ayn Sof (Kabbalah), Wahdat (Sufism), Wakan Taka (Native American), Substantia (Spinozism) and Unified Field (Modern Science). All is One, One is All. :)
Note: These are just my humble thoughts in the course of my learning from different sources. You are most welcome to share your thoughts and add more clarity to know our Self better.


  1. No credit here???!!!!

  2. Plz add Dr. J Mercays's name here, too, at the top!!
    Please do that to ALL articles and ALL images of her work you are re-posting, thanks!
