Monday, January 7, 2013

Five Fold Science

In addition to the traditional building and manufacturing arts, under the umbrella of Vaastu Science falls the five Fold Science: Poetry, Music, Dance, Sculpture, and Architecture which correspond with the traditional science of Iyal, Isai, Natam, Kattidam, and Sirpam in the Tamil tradition. In Sanskrit they are called Sabda Veda, Gandharve Veda, Natya Veda, Sthapatya Veda, and Pranava Veda. They are all governed by a unique grammar of the science of Energy and Matter, Space and Time, and Rhythm and Form. The fundamental nature of these elements is revealed in the ancient text, The Pranava Veda. This is none other than the Science of manifestation. That is, the science of how the Infinite Energy (Vastu) transforms itself into matter or form (Vaastu).
~ Jessie Mercay

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