Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Spiritual Dream...?

Today I had an amazing and wonderful dream or vision of making a movie or feature film on Self Awareness. The reason behind making movie was, it has wider and greater reach across the world and reach the masses without any barriers. Most of our modern generation starting from a kid to elderly person is grown by watching movies. We do learn from movies and more often we believe what we see in the movie is true as our mind is attached to it while we are watching and we become a character in the movie.

I haven’t seen any movie on global awareness and Self-awareness to my knowledge other than few documentaries or YouTube videos or personal videos. Most of the modern-day movies are mind-to-mind, i.e. director’s mind to audience mind. Mission of present day movies are to amaze the mind, mint the money and entertain the people. It is also one of the reason why people are more attached to mind, money and luxury. They are deluded by illusion that money is everything, need for power and status in the society driven by their self-protective nature of mind or ego.

I would love to break this delusion of mind and make a movie which speaks from heart-to-heart or soul-to-soul. Remember it’s not romantic movie on emotional love but on eternal lover or oneness, eternal peace and harmony. Let the minds watch who we are, what is our true Self, why are we here, what is our purpose of our life and awaken to Soul to know it Self.

It would be movie by us, to us and for us. It would be for every one to watch for ever whenever they want to remember their true Self. No money would be involved in it from production, to direction to distribution to Movie Theater to movie tickets. Everything would free of cost or free of money and mind but full of heart, soul and love. The movie cast would be across the world. All the nations would be involved; all the religious heads will be involved; all the scientists would be involved; all enlightened spiritual persons would be involved; it would be released across the nations in all languages. It would be the ideal combination of bringing the best of reality, innovation and imagination to the screen and making it understandable for every human being. It would be a pleasant journey of taking humanity towards higher consciousness.  It would be an ultimate union of hearts, union of lights, and union of consciousness to reestablish the one ultimate truth. It’s not magnum opus movie, it’s not an ultimate experience, it’s just a simple truth. :)

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