Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Samadhi - The Ultimate Experience!

It is said in the Vedas that a man experiences samadhi when his mind ascends to the seventh plane (or when Kundalini rises to the Sahasrara). The ego can disappear only when one goes into samadhi. Where does the mind of a man ordinarily dwell? In the first three planes. These are at the organs of evacuation (Muladhara) and generation (Swadishthana), and at the navel (Manipura). Then the mind is immersed only in worldliness, attached to 'woman and gold'. A man sees the light of God when his mind dwells in the plane of the heart (Anahata). He sees the light and exclaims: 'Ah! What is this? What is this?' The next plane is at the throat. When the mind dwells there he likes to hear and talk only of God. When the mind ascends to the next plane, in the forehead, between the eyebrows, he sees the form of Satchidananda and desires to touch and embrace It. But he is unable to do so. It is like the light in a lantern, which you can see but cannot touch. You feel as if you were touching the light, but in reality you are not. When the mind reaches the seventh plane, then the ego vanishes completely and the man goes into samadhi.
- Ramakrishna

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