Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Experiences in Meditation...

Various persons get various spiritual experiences. There cannot be a common experience for all. It depends upon the temperament, mode of spiritual practice, place of concentration and various other factors. Some hear melodious sounds in the ears. Some see lights. Some get spiritual bliss. Some get both Light and Bliss. During meditation, you may experience that you are rising from your seat. Some experience that they fly in the air.
The Divine light comes not through open doors, but only through narrow slits. The aspirant sees the Divine Ray as a sunbeam passing through a chick into a dark room. It is like a flash of lightning.’ This sudden illumination chokes all sounds of words. The aspirant is spell-bound in ecstasy and awe. He trembles with love and awe. So bright and glorious is the Light environing the Divine that the initiate is dazzled and bewildered.
During meditation, the color of lights that you see varies according to the Tattva (Principle) that flows through the nostrils. If there is Agni-Tattva (Fire), you will see red-colored lights. If Akasa-Tattva (Ether) flows, you will have blue-colored lights. If Apas-Tattva (Water) prevails, you will see white-colored lights. If there is Prithvi-Tattva (Earth), you will have yellow lights. If there is Vayu-Tattva (Air), you will see black color. You can change the Tattva by various ways. But the best way is by thought. “As you think, so you also become.”
During meditation, you get rapture or ecstasy. It is of five kinds viz., the lesser thrill, momentary rapture, flooding rapture, transporting rapture and all-pervading rapture. The lesser thrill is only able to raise the hairs of the body (like the goose skin). The momentary rapture is like the productions of lightning, moment by moment. Like waves breaking on the seashore, the flooding rapture descends rapidly on the body and breaks. Transporting rapture is strong and lifts the body up to the extent of launching it into the air. When the all-pervading rapture arises, the whole body is completely surcharged, blown like a full-bladder.
Crossing the Body-Consciousness...
Aspirants are eager to get spiritual experiences soon. As soon as they get them, they are afraid. They are awfully alarmed when they go above the body-consciousness. They entertain a passing wonder whether they will come back again or not. Why should they be afraid at all? It does not matter much whether they return to body-consciousness or not. All our attempts are mainly directed towards getting over this body-consciousness. We are used to certain limitations. When these limitations suddenly drop away, we feel that there is no definite base left to stand upon. That is the reason why we are afraid when we go above the body-consciousness. That is a novel experience. Courage is needed. Bravery is an indispensable requisite.
Visions of Spirits...
Sometimes, bad spirits will trouble you. They may have ugly, fierce faces with long teeth. Drive them with your strong will. Give the word of command: “Get out.” They will go away. They are vampires. They are elemental  They will not do any harm to the spiritual aspirants. Your courage will be tested here. If you are timid, you cannot march further. Draw power and courage from the Soul within, the inexhaustible Source. You will come across very good spirits also. They will help you a lot in your onward march.
If you get experiences of the glimpses of Self during intense meditation, if you see a blazing light during meditation and if you get spiritual visions of angels, archangels, Rishis, Sages, Devatas and any other extraordinary spiritual experiences, do not fall back in terror. Do not mistake them for phantoms. Do not give up the practice. Plod on. Persevere diligently. Break veil after veil. If there is any error in meditation practice, at once consult the senior Guru or realized souls and remove the mistake. If your general health is sound, if you are cheerful, happy and strong, physically and mentally, if the mind is peaceful and unruffled, if you get Bliss in meditation and if your will is growing strong, pure and irresistible, think that you are improving in meditation and everything is going all right. March on boldly. Do not look back. Cross the intense void and darkness. Pierce the layer of attachment. Melt the subtle Egoism now. Self will shine by itself. You will experience the Turiya (Pure Consciousness)!
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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