Monday, September 10, 2012

Never Fear! Never Doubt!

Fear - A Dire Disease
Fear is a great human curse. It is a negative thought. It is your worst enemy. It assumes various forms, viz., fear of death, fear of disease, fear of public criticism, fear of losing your property or money, etc. Fear blights many lives, makes people unhappy and unsuccessful.
Some people can bravely face the shell or the shot on the battlefield. But they are afraid of public criticism and public opinion. Some can face a tiger fearlessly in the forest. But they are afraid of the surgeon's knife and bistoury. You should get rid of fear of all sorts.
The power of imagination in the mind intensifies fear. Fear is due to delusion or attachment, attachment to the gross and physical body on account of ignorance. Attachment to the body is the cause of all fear. He who can throw off the physical sheath either by Yoga or Jnana (Wisdom) will be free from fear. He who has conquered fear, has conquered everything, has gained mastery over the mind.
Some people faint when they see a copious quantity of blood. Some men cannot see a surgical operation. They faint. These are all mental weaknesses. Some cannot take their food if some faecal or vomited matter is nearby. All mental weaknesses must be eradicated by Inquiry.
A calm mind means courage. You may face without fear the trials and difficulties of the spiritual path. It has its root in the recognition of the unity of the Self. Fearlessness is one of the divine qualities. Constantly think you are Soul. You will slowly develop immense courage. The one idea that you are the Immortal Self (Soul) can destroy efficiently fear of every description. This is the only potent tonic, the one sure panacea for this dire disease of fear. Think you are immortal, fearless Atman (Soul). Slowly the fear will vanish. Develop the positive virtue, namely, courage. Fear will slowly disappear.
Doubt is a great tormentor of mind. It has got a mental world of its own. It again and again troubles a man. There is no end for doubts. If one doubt is removed, another doubt stands ready to take its place. This is the trick of the mind. Cut the knot of doubts by the sword of wisdom. Know him who gets the doubts. No one doubts the doubter. If all doubts vanish through Soul-Knowledge, then the mind will be destroyed.
Thoughts of worry and thoughts of fear are fearful forces within us. They poison the very sources of life and destroy the harmony, the running efficiency, the vitality and vigor; while the opposite thoughts of cheerfulness, joy and courage heal, soothe, instead of irritating and immensely augment efficiency and multiply the mental power. Be always cheerful. Smile. Laugh.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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