Sunday, September 16, 2012

God and Feminine Qualities in Vaastu

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
The word God as we use it refers to something akin to Unified Field or Quantum Field. Often in the various texts God is referred to as Him. It is to be noted that this Field called God or Brahman has both male and male attributes. In fact, the entire manifestation process relies on the feminine energy force that is called Shakti. Kaalam or Absolute Time is considered to be a feminine energy force which is often represented as Kali the so - called female deity – in actuality a scientific term. It is significant to note that from time immemorial the Sthapatis and Shilpis have recognized God as the Feminine.
Shilpi worship of goddess India's Shilpis have for millennia been holders of the knowledge of the Vastu/Vaastu tradition and are worshippers of Shakti. This is the Vastumatam, vastu "religion." This is also called Mayamatam, name after its originator, Mayan. The Shilpis worship Goddesses Kali, Kamakshi, Ankalaparameshvari, kilandeshvari, Bhuvaneshvari and Brahma Chamundi. Science, shakti and bhakti are integrated in the life of the Shilpi.
The importance of the feminine energies is demonstrated in one way through the use of engraved stones used in a special ceremony prior to the construction of a Vaastu building – Vaastu Puja. These stones are engraved with the five Tamil vowels and placed in the northeast corner of the plot (within the motherwall or foundation) of the building to be constructed. They are called the foundation stones. The feminine is the foundation of Vaastu Science and Technology.
These vowels signify the aural and visual manifestation of OM Sound. They of their selves exhibit wonderful qualities. The Tamil Vowels are traditionally engraved on five granite bricks .
Each of the five vowels represent the two Supreme Brahmans - OM Light ((Artha Brahman) and OM sound (Naada Brahman), the form of the letter being Artha Brahman and the uttered syllable, the Naada Brahman. Mayan makes it clear in his Aintiram that letters and words contain both OM light and OM Sound – name and form. The number five represents the Pancha Marabu of Mayonic tradition. This stands for the five aspects of creation. Also, the five stone bricks represent the five female forces of the tradition namely Nanda, Bhadra, Poorna, Jaya, and Riktha. Blessings of these and other forces are invoked for the upcoming building during the stone laying process. Invoking these five female forces is seen an essential aspect of Vaastu science.
While there is a much deeper significance to these five feminine forces, there are some general qualities invoked into every Vaastu structure with the placing of the puja stones with vowels inscribed as follows: Nanda gives prosperity, Bhadra creates well behaved children, Purna gives fruits of all works early in life, Jaya gives victory over all obstacles and, Rikta avoids emptiness in every aspects of life. These qualities are refinements of frequencies of the Vaastu building. They do not create proper Vaastu but they sweeten it. While there is a deeper meaning to these energies, this is a brief overview to bring to light some the feminine aspects considered in this science.
Included in this discussion is the form called Vastu Purusha (Nataraja, or Vastu Brahmam) and Vaastu Purusha who have been mentioned elsewhere herein. These forms have been mentioned in the Vedic texts as well as the Vaastu texts and Pranava Veda. Vaastu Purusha and Vastu Purusha are often thought of as male forms. The fact is they are not. The term “Purusha” does not mean “male.” It denotes the ingrained – energy or innate energy called Shakti. This Shakti is generally thought of as feminine energy or of neutral gender (like neutron).
The Shilpis considered Time as feminine. They understood the nature of time to be creative and the foundation of the manifest world. Time is consciousness in motion. It is the frequency of which all things are made. Mayan discovered that Time could be modulated or controlled through Ayadi calculations and that we as humans could create buildings that were divine and held divine attributes. Then, these buildings could be worshiped as divinity causing the devotee to gain spiritual bliss!
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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