Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hatred – How to Overcome?

He who loves others, loves himself only. He who gives even a small thing as charity to a poor man in distress, gives it to himself. For, there is nothing else save his own self in the universe. He who hurts, hates and abuses another man, hurts, hates and abuses himself only. He digs his own grave.
No Samadhi or union with God is possible when hatred, prejudice, jealousy, anger, lust, etc., exist in the mind. Remove these defects by love, soul awareness, inquiry. Love is the greatest power on earth. Compassion is the highest spiritual practice. Do not give pain to others and relieve pain where it is; this is Compassion.
When thoughts of revenge and hatred arise in the mind, try to control the physical body and speech first. Do not utter evil and harsh words. Do not censure. Do not try to injure others. If you succeed in this by practice for some months, the thoughts of revenge, having no scope for manifesting outside, will die by themselves. It is extremely difficult to control such thoughts from the very beginning without having recourse to control of body and speech first.
Constant inquiry and development of the opposite virtues - love, sympathy, compassion and commiseration will eradicate the two violent passions of hatred and malice.
When hatred manifests, reflect on the blessings of love; it will slowly vanish. The blessings of love are many. Happy he sleeps. Happy he lives. He sees no bad dreams. He is dear to all alike. He is dear to subhuman beings. Angels guard him. Fire, poison and sword cannot approach him. Quickly he concentrates the mind. His complexion is serene. He will rest peacefully.
Have no enemies. Do not entertain inimical thought against any person who might have done any wrong to you. If, while you are directing your mind towards your enemy, you recall the offenses that have been committed against yourself and hatred arises in you, you should dispel it by repeatedly dwelling on love with him. Imagine again and again that he is your intimate friend and, with effort, raise a strong current of love towards him. Call in the mind affectionate feelings and others that cause love and tenderness.
Serve the man whom you hate. Share with him what you have. Give him something to eat. Make prostration sincerely. Your hatred will subside. He will also begin to love you. Gifts and kind words tame the untamed men. Men bow their heads by gifts and kind words.
If you give a blanket to a needy man with unwillingness, it is not charitable act at all. It is a selfish act only. The mind will be waiting to take the blanket back when the first chance comes. Give anything willingly.
Serve all. Serve the Lord in all. Love all. Respect all. Develop cosmic love. Have soul awareness. Have equal vision. All kinds of hatred will disappear. The practice of equal vision is extremely difficult, but strenuous and constant efforts will bring about success eventually.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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