Saturday, March 30, 2013

Vaastu Veda - Link to The Ancient Past 1

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati is our direct link to the ancient past. He was a practicing traditional architect/designer, builder, sculptor, writer and teacher, born of the aboriginal creative tribe of India - Vishwakarma. He was a Vishwabrahmin and his genealogy can be traced as far back as 1050 years with an understanding that his ancient ancestors beyond that time were also Sthapatis (an honored title for a person who is all inclusively an architect, builder, sculptor and scholar). Excellence and fame has followed his family through the ages. He has been given numerous awards from State level to National level. His most recent award was a designation of Padma Bushan by the government of India. Among his many other distinctions, he is designated as Shilpi Guru of India – highly esteemed teacher of this body of knowledge. He was the only living Shilpi Guru in the 20th and 21st century. This tribe, Vishwakarmas or Vishwabrahmins, has owned a unique body of technical literature called Vaastu Shastras, Sthapatya Veda, Pranava Veda and Aintiram for about 12,000 years. Within these texts are enshrined a science and technology that reveals two substances known as Vastu and Vaastu. Vastu is unmanifest subtle energy and Vaastu is gross energy as seen as the material world. These are depicted in Einstein’s equation E=mc2.
This entire body of knowledge is recognized as Mayonic Science and Technology, Vaastu Veda or Sthapatya Veda. Also rooted in this knowledge base is the Agamic literature. In his Srimat Bhagavatam Veda Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas, mentions Sthapatya Veda. Vyasa mentions that Sthapatya Veda is to be held as one of the Vedas apart from Rig (Rik), Yajur, Sama, and Atharva Veda.
This Sthapatya Veda has been in force from very ancient times in the name of Vaastu Shastras.
While at one time the Shilpis of Bharat had regional names for their clans, today they are united under a national association called Akhila Bharata Vishwakarma Mahajanasabha. In the past centuries these clan members thrived as the entire culture depended on the products of these artisans. They too created everything from cities to jewelry, pots and pans, and even home furnishings – all done in a specific mathematical order designed to bring peace to the owner. Today many of their functions have been taken over by pseudo Vaastu consultants who know little of the authentic tradition.
In addition to the traditional building and manufacturing arts, under the umbrella of Vaastu Science falls the five Fold Science: Poetry, Music, Dance, Sculpture, and Architecture which correspond with the traditional science of Iyal, Isai, Natam, Kattidam, and Sirpam in the Tamil tradition. In Sanskrit they are called Sabda Veda, Gandharve Veda, Natya Veda, Sthapatya Veda, and Pranava Veda. They are all governed by a unique grammar of r the science of Energy and Matter, Space and Time, and Rhythm and Form. The fundamental nature of these elements is revealed in the ancient text, The Pranava Veda. This is none other than the Science of manifestation. That is, the science of how the Infinite Energy (Vastu) transforms itself into matter or form (Vaastu).
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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