Monday, August 27, 2012

Free your Self!

Attachment is a strong weapon of delusion. Attachment is as much powerful and dangerous as desire is. Attachment does three things.
It creates the idea of 'mineness' - my family, my home, etc. It produces infatuated love and attachment for body, family and property. It creates the idea of stability in the perishable objects of the world and It makes a false thing appear as true. The world appears as real on account of Attachment. The body is mistaken for Soul or pure Self owing to the delusive influence of Attachment.
Although you know fully well that the body of a human is made up of flesh, bone, skin, hair, blood, urine and faeces, yet you passionately cling to the form. Why? Because of the force of Like, Attachment, Karma, Subtle Desire and Imagination). When there is annihilation of subtle desires through Inquiry and Viveka, you will not be attached towards a human body.
Get rid of excessive Attachment and attachment to family, money by external renunciation. If there is external change, internal change must also come. External renunciation is quite necessary. The mind is generally attracted by brilliant light, beauty, intelligence, varied colors and pleasant sounds. Do not be deceived by these paltry things. Inquire within. What is the background for all these things? There is one Essence at the back of the mind and all objects of this seeming sense-universe. That Essence is all-full (Paripurna) and self-contained. That Essence is the Soul of the Knowledge. That Essence verily you are “Tat Tvam Asi” or “you are That” my dear friends.
When non-attachment takes place, no matter what is going on around you... you can just love for no reason... you can just BE in the highest peace and serenity... you can just smile for no reason. You are free from depression and anxiety. You are surrounded by continuous waves and shiver feelings of love (angels).
The highest happiness will manifest in your life and spread to everyone. The only thing you will radiate is love. You will become the embodiment of divine love, peace and truth. Instead of feeling great burden, you will feel great peace. Such lightness! Such relief! Such a happiness!
When you are not attached to anything, then what you do is out of duty, out of right action, out of love. Without any distractions or attachments you can just BE, FEEL, LOVE, and DO in a way that is free from karma and suffering.
Whenever there is the burden... whenever you do not have peace of mind... whenever you have depression... check to see what type of attachments you have. When a big attachment is dissolved, divine peace and love may be realized in its place and we can move on. Attachment (even to that which may seem spiritual) can be the root of all burden and worry.
With attachments to worldly goals and pleasures, the suffering involved usually far outweighs the actual prospect of the pleasure. A person attached to the result of action to obtain pleasure only suffers and is left in pain, such as that of wanting what you feel you do not have, with emptiness and feelings of loss in your heart. If you are suffering in life with burdens and depressions and want to be free... identify those attachments, let them go and be free!
1. Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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