Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Like and Dislike

“But the disciplined (lower) Self, moving among sense-objects with senses free from attraction and repulsion and mastered by the Higher Self, goes to Peace. (Gita, II-64)

Like (attraction), Dislike (repulsion) and indifference are the three important thought waves of the mind. Like and Dislike (love and hatred or attraction and repulsion) are the two currents in the mind which bind a man to the wheel of birth and death. Like and Dislike are the two faults in the mind that have brought you to this world. The form of bondage is Like and Dislike. The form of Ignorance is Like and Dislike. All the emotions come under the category of Like-Dislike. These two currents are the characteristics of the mind and not of the Soul. Pleasure and pain, exhilaration and depression are due to Like-Dislike. If Like and Dislike vanish from the mind, Pleasure-Pain also will disappear.
Self Love and Divine Love
When two forces of equal quality or power meet, a third force is formed. When two people of equal force and quality are attracted towards each other, a third force is formed between them. That is termed love. When I see myself in another man, when I see him as my own self, I begin to love him as my own self. When I find something in you that I myself possess, I am naturally drawn towards you and begin to love you. This is one way of explaining love. Love is pouring forth one.s affection on another. Love is God. Love is of two kinds, viz., selfish or physical love and real Love or divine Love which is unselfish and lasting.
The first kind is love with attachment. The second one is love without attachment. He who is a real aspirant, who feels his own self everywhere and a real devotee who sees God everywhere in everything can really love others. When an inferior person hangs on another person for his happiness or existence, physical attachment crops up. Attachment causes slave mentality and weak will. “Cut all sorts of attachment by the sword of non-attachment.” (Gita, XV-3)
Like as Painful as Dislike
Like (attraction) in the mind is as much dangerous as Dislike (hatred or repulsion). Whenever there is Like, there is Dislike also. Not only the Dislike thought wave , but also the thought wave of Like gives pain to man. If an object gives pleasure, you get Like for the object. But when there is separation from the object, as in the case of death of your dear wife or son, you get immense pain which is indescribable. Suppose you are in the habit of taking fruits after food. Fruits give you pleasure. You get Like (liking) for fruits. But if you cannot get fruits in a place, you get pain.
Whenever there is pleasure and Like, there exist side by side fear and anger. Anger is only a modification of desire. Fear and anger are two old associates of pleasure and Like. Fear and anger are hidden in Like. They constantly torment the mind. Fear is hidden in Like. When you have got Like for body, fear of death comes in. When you have Like for money, there is fear of losing money, as money is the means of getting objects of enjoyment. When you have Like for a woman, you always take care in protecting her. Fear is a very old, intimate friend of Like.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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