Sunday, July 15, 2012

Growth Dynamics of Manifestation

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Continuing with the manifestation process, we can observe more dynamics activated throughout the process. We have mentioned that waveforms spread out from the central point or Bindu. The following diagram demonstrates the growth dynamics of the unmanifest Fabric of Creation in values of eight and steps of five.
By observing this process of manifestation two dynamics of manifestation are evident:
  1. Manifestation occurs in additive values of eight (4+8=12 +8=20+8=28 with a total additive factor of 64).
  2. Manifestation occurs in sequences of five steps known as the Pentadic Order.
In other words five stages occur with an additive numerical frequency of eight:
(1) The subtle energy point in the center becomes a self effulgent energy generator pouring out waves of energy by (2) becoming a self spinning stabilized structure of four padas/modules then (3) adding eight units of energy to manifest the 4X4 structure of 16 units or modules; then (4) adding another eight units of energy to manifest the 6X6 structure of 36 units or modules; which (5) then adds eight more units culminating in 64 units or modules strung concentrically around the Bindu point or central generator. The entire process produces a total of sixty- four (64) vibrating units with each concentric belt having its own wavelength (4,12,20,28 modules) and waveform and individual vibration while contributing to the sum total vibration of the whole.
(2)These dynamics of manifestation simultaneously and successively produces two other observable phenomena:
1. The elements (air, fire, water, earth- manifested from space), which tend to constellate in the four quadrants of the 8X8 mandala, are produced as waveforms or frequencies – each having specific and different qualities and characteristics. This means that each element vibrates with its own frequency and demonstrates different qualities as a result of its frequency.
2. The outpouring of energy from the central Bindu point distributes concentric modules or padas linked together around itself with each concentric belt having unique and separate square waveforms and frequency. Thus, each concentric belt and the individual units or modules within each belt has its own qualities and characteristics.
While this knowledge is significant of itself, when these phenomena are viewed in light of material manifestation as built space in architecture, the significance becomes stunning and profound.
A vital point here is to consider what the complete form of the 8x8 microabode looks like. Among other things, we know that it is cubicle and that it has a vertical thread of light through its center. In addition, it is composed of four concentric belts of energy that move outward as the thread of light vibrates. The thread of light is vibrating or dancing primal fire.
In addition to moving outward, the concentric energy belts also move upward forming a stepped pyramid. In its’ silent and unmoving state it is cubicle. In its’ active state it takes on other geometric forms. This same form exists on the macro level as the embodiment of God or Brahmam; in the micro – state it is the embodiment of the inner Being of all living things.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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