Sunday, July 1, 2012

Genesis - Material World - Part 3

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
All of the aforementioned Elements continue to commingle and develop together in a natural order and frequency to form the Earth element and simultaneously the fully realized cube – Vastu Purusha Mandala called Manduka Mandala.
Fully formed 8x8 Manduka Mandala.
Mayan speaks of the subtle and gross elements in his Aintiram and Pranava Veda. He considers Time, OM Light, and OM Sound as subtle elements and the Pancha Bhutas (5 elements) as gross elements. In these diagrams we seen yesterday are the formation of the five elements in the unmanifest subtle level. The implication here is that the five elements, known as Pancha Bhutas or gross elements, while not fully manifest, are pre‐formed during the manifestation process in seed form or Luminous form.
As these pre‐elemental forms arise an 8x8 cubical form with 64 cells emerges – as yet unmanifest pure energy. This 8x8 form called Manduka Mandala or Vastu Purusha Mandala continues to spin in a clockwise direction. The drama of material creation occurs.
A subtle but important point is that the word creation is not fully appropriate here. Creation implies making something out of nothing. In this process something is made – but not out of nothing. That something is the material world from the finest to the grossest form. What has been described as nothingness by modern science and philosophy is really a Unified Field packed with vibrant cuboidal luminous forms each of which is a fetus (Karu)
for birthing the material world. Thus, the term manifestation is more accurate because the actual event is a transformation of energy to matter and the two are equal (E=mc2). In other words, this Unified Field called Brahmam does not create something outside itself – rather, It manifests itself as innumerable forms within itself.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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