Saturday, July 21, 2012

Be your Self!

"Know your Self, Express your Self, Be your Self"

 Know your Self...
Knowing your Self is Knowledge. When you try to know your Self you will improve Reasoning (Intellect), gain Knowledge, develop Intelligence and acquire Wisdom. All your questions on life, creation and existence will be answered by your Self in this journey.

Express your Self...
Expressing your Self is Creativity. While knowing your Self, you express your Self, your Thoughts in Words (quotes, poems, songs, speech, ...), Arts (drawing, painting, music, dance,...), Discoveries (inventions, theories, philosophies,...), Expressions (love, compassion, humility,...), Actions (helping others, serving others, transforming humanity,...)

Be your Self...
Being your Self is Self Realization. When you are trying consistently to know your Self you are stepping towards being your Self! Once you completely know your Self or your Source, you will become one with your Self or Soul or Spirit or GOD or Creator or Source or Space!!! :)

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