Saturday, June 23, 2012

Primal Energy - Growth Dynamics

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Earlier we saw briefly how energy becomes matter and the representation of primal energy. We will explore more on the growth dynamics of the primal energy.
Now, imagine that at some “point” in Space that flat unbounded Absolute Space begins to move within itself or pulse within itself. An autocatalytic activation (pulse or Time) begins from this highly concentrated square cosmic energy point (point theory). This point surges upwards and becomes a vertical shaft of pure energy called Moolasthan – referred to by the Sage Mayan as Cosmic Flame. The sage Mayan describes this as, “Naarpurat Thiyalnilai Kalaisudarey” (Four-sided creative flame).
At this early stage of manifestation there are five stages. First the throbbing Consciousness withdraws into itself. Moolam consolidates itself through withdrawal called Amizhdal or converging to a point.
This Moolam then gushes or explodes outward and emerges and spreads (Imizhdal) and consolidates its self (Kumizhdal). The movement of energy in self spin (kalavisai) propels and projects this energy (Unuzhdal) so that it comes out into form (Tamizhdal).
Interestingly enough, for the experience to merge into word‐form the inner being has to undergo or travel through these five levels states, namely Amizhdal (“converging to a point”…withdrawal), Imizhdal (‘emerging and spreading’), Kumizhdal (coming together an consolidating’), Unizhdal (projecting or delivering) and Tamizhdal (“coming out into form”).
Using the flat line, we will create a pulse or waveform in that line as a cross-section of the event as the energy gushes forward.
This Cosmic pillar, or Moolasthan, goes into a clockwise self-spin (spin theory), as it spins light particles (OM Light) or waveforms are emitted; through the movement or friction of these light particles sound (OM Sound) is emitted; this begins a process of emission of chaotic light and sound particles (chaos theory).
A more accurate visualization of this cosmic Form is this:
As described above, the Cosmic Flame rises upward as a result of a “gushing” forth of Consciousness. It is explained previously that at first there is an enormous withdrawal (Amizhdal) of Primal Energy – a withdrawal within itself. That withdrawal causes a concentration of energy that results in an explosion or gushing. This gushing forth has great momentum and power. As it gushes forward and subsequently spins it produces OM Light, which is its basic nature. In other words, the nature of this Zero Space (Soonayambarum) – Space of everything – is luminosity. Thus, as it gushes forth as an enormous pulse, light is emitted and sound (OM Sound often referred to as AUM) is emitted due to the gushing upward and spinning nature of this enormous Luminosity. This form springs forth from the Ekapada (indicated by the flat line), which is square in nature. Thus, even though this form is funnel-shaped as it rises, the tip is cuboidal – a six – faced cube which is replicated again and again as you will see. The enormity of this action might be equated to a big bang.
Most Vaastu forms demonstrate the pyramidal form in some way (as well as the cube as you will see). Please note that the pyramidal form is not complete within itself and it must be connected with other form when taken in totality replicate the full stable form of consciousness. As a preliminary example, the roof shown in the above Kerala temple picture is, in fact, a replication of this initial form shown above. This form is also seen around the world in ancient Vaastu forms.
The picture on the above is a more complicated intentional replication of this form at Gangaikondacholapuram temple, Tamil Nadu. This process is further explained tomorrow.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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