Saturday, June 2, 2012

One World, One Humanity!

Self Awareness or Soul Awareness is the first step towards Universal Harmony and Eternal Peace. When we realize that we all are a Soul in the Universe and not just the Mind or Body, all the differences among us will be resolved. We will realize the truth that we all are One. Once we know we are all are one we treat everything in the world as one among us, respect all, respect the laws of nature, love the world as never before! When our learning and understanding becomes our way of living, we will be in continuous communication with our Higher Self / Universal Soul / God. In this path we will help each other in achieving the ultimate goal of humanity, finally become one with the Ultimate Source / Primal Energy and rest in Eternal Peace forever...

Vision: "Self Awareness, Universal Harmony and Eternal Peace"

Mission: "To Spread Self Awareness Among All"

'One' Dream or 'One' Reality?
One World – No Boundary, No War :)
One Economy – No Poverty, No Gap :)
One Humanity – No Religion, No Difference :)

Awake, Arise, Aware!!!

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