Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to Control the Thoughts - Part 3

Pure Background of Thought
The vast majority of people will always want something concrete to hold on to, something around which, as it were, to place their ideas, something which will be the center of all thought-forms in their minds. That is mind's very nature. A background of thought is needed for fixing the mind.
Have a Pure background of thought or mental image. The mind assumes the shape of any object it intently thinks upon. If it thinks of an orange, it assumes the shape of an orange. If it thinks of God with an attribute, it assumes the shape of God. You must train the mind properly and give it proper, Pure food for assimilation.
You must have Pure background of thought to take you to the goal (Liberation). If you are a devotee of God (Religious person), have a background of thought of His picture and the repetition of His famous Mantra and His qualities (Form-formula-qualities). A Spiritual person should have a background of thought of 'OM' and its meaning (Frequency of Universal Soul, Infinite Ocean of Light, Pure Bliss). Work in the world, and the moment the mind is free, begin to think of the background of thought background according to taste, temperament and capacity for Practice. By constant thinking, a habit in the mind will be formed and, without effort, the mind will run towards the background of thought.
It is a pity that the vast majority of persons have no ideal, no program of life at all and no Pure background of thought. They fall into continuous birth death cycle repeating the mistakes again and again without knowing their real purpose of life. The background of thought of a young married lady is usually lustful. The background of thought of an old mother is the affection towards her sons and grandsons. The background of thought of the vast majority of persons is hatred and jealousy. Even the so-called educated persons with many university qualifications, which is only husk when compared with spiritual knowledge, have no ideal, no program of life and no background of thought.
A worldly-minded person is a prey to sexual thoughts and thoughts of hatred, anger and revenge. These two types of thoughts actually take possession of his mind. He is a slave to these two sets of thoughts. He does not know how to divert his mind and fix it on some other good, noble thought. He does not know the laws of thought. He is quite unaware of the nature and subtle workings of the mind. His position is extremely deplorable despite his earthly possessions and bookish knowledge obtained in universities. He is unable to resist an evil desire, craving or temptation on account of his weak will.
After retirement, everybody should have a background of thought and should spend his time in philosophical studies and divine contemplation. Old habits of loose thinking must be replaced by cultivating fresh habits of good thoughts. At first, a tendency to think of good thoughts will be formed. By continued practice, a positive definite habit of thinking of virtuous, helping thoughts will be developed. You will have to struggle very hard. The old habits will try to recur again and again. Till you are firmly established in the habit of thinking of good thoughts only, you will have to fill the mind again and again with Pure thoughts, divine thoughts, thoughts of God etc. New grooves and avenues will be formed now. Just as a gramophone-needle cuts a small groove in the plate, pure thinking will cut new, healthy grooves in the mind and brain. New Impression will be formed.
Glory of the Wave-less Wise Men
Through constant and intense practice, you can become wave-less (thought-free). The wave-less Yogi helps the world more than the man on the platform. Ordinary people can hardly grasp this point. When you are wave less, you actually permeate and pervade every atom of the universe, purify and elevate the whole world. The names of wave less wise men are even now remembered. They never built ashram. They never lectured. They never published books. They never made disciples. Yet, what a tremendous influence these wave-less Wise men had produced on the minds of the people. Glory to such wave-less wise men!
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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