Sunday, June 24, 2012

Genesis – Time and Space – Part 1

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Imagine a vast, unbounded field of pure, unmoving potential energy. This field has no beginning and no end. It just is. This is the field called Absolute Space. It can be represented here for the sake of analogy as a flat line.
This Absolute space can be called Zero Point or Zero Time, no time, Absolute stillness and silence.
Now imagine that flat unbounded Absolute Space beginning to move within itself or pulse within itself. Using the flat line, we will create a pulse in that line. The act of pulsing created an element called Absolute Time.
What do we mean by Absolute Time? From the moment that Absolute Space began to pulse (point A) it went through a time sequence. That is, it took “time” to move from point A to point B; from point B to Point C; from point C to point D; from point D to point E and point E to point F. The pulse rises and then falls back to the steady state – represented as the fat line.
Mayan says in his Aintiram: “Time creates." sustains, and destroys all, so created.” It is easy to see that it is indeed “Time” that created and destroyed the form or pulse in Absolute Space.
At this point in the genesis of space becoming matter, we have two elements present: Absolute Space and Absolute Time. These two elements form a micro cube. As these two elements continue and co-mingle, a clockwise self spin occurs as time marches on from point A to B to C to D to A.
The formation of the six – sided cube is of great significance the importance of which will be seen as we explore architectural forms. The genesis of this cube is simple: The Moolasthan / pillar of Cosmic Fire replicates itself four times. Each replication of itself becomes the corner of the cube. This action occurs immediately and simultaneously. These corners instantaneously fill in as the faces of the six – sided cube. Dr. Sthapati says that this is Brahmam “born in cubicle form.”
Thus, being self-conscious, Moolasthan principle multiplies itself four times creating the four corners of what then becomes a six - sided cube (Murukoli arusudar – beautiful Light form with six faces). This six‐sided cube provides a boundary within which the particles of light and sound in the form of square waves can be contained, and manifest as the visual and auditory forms through dispersion into sign waves and thus take form without complete dissipation.
The central Moolasthan then becomes the infinite thread or string that continuously emits light and sound particles that give rise to matter. This macro‐cube becomes filled with untold numbers of micro‐cubes each of which have a lively, vibrant thread of light through its vertical center (miniature Cosmic Flame called Brahma Sutra). The entire Cosmic Body or Cosmic Space is filled with these microabodes with a vibrant thread of light that is akin to String Theory (a series of strings or threads make up the fabric of the Unified field).
We will see more on this interesting process next week-end.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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