Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Are You A Good Thinker?

Thinkers are very few in this world. Most of us do not know what right thinking is. Thinking is shallow in the vast majority of persons. Deep thinking needs intense practice. It takes innumerable births for the proper evolution of the mind. Then only it can think deeply and properly.
A man who speaks the truth and has moral purity has always powerful thoughts. One who has controlled anger by long practice has tremendous thought power. If a Yogi whose thought is very powerful speaks one word, it will produce tremendous impression on the minds of others.
Independent and original thinking is resorted to by the Yogis. Spiritual practice (Manana, reflection) demands a sharp intellect. Hard thinking, persistent thinking, clear thinking, thinking to the roots of all problems, to the very fundamentals of the situations, to the very presuppositions of all thoughts and being is the very essence of spiritual practice. You will have to abandon an old idea, however strong and ingrained it may be, when you get a new, elevating idea in its stead. If you have no courage to face the results of your thinking, to swallow the conclusions of your thinking, whatever they may mean to you personally, you should never take the trouble to philosophies. Take up to devotion.
Applied thinking applies the mind to the object and sustained thinking keeps it continually engaged; ecstasy brings about the expanding and bliss of the developing mind whose motives for non-distraction have been accomplished by those two kinds of thinking. Meditation can arise when applied and sustained thinking, ecstasy, bliss and collectedness of mind arise.
Thought is a great force. It has got tremendous power. It becomes a matter of great moment to know how to use this power in the highest possible way and to the greatest possible effect. This can best be done by the practice of meditation.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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