Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thank you Dr. Jessie J Mercay!

Dear Friends,
On behalf of you all I like to thank Dr. Jessie J Mercay, the author of 'Fabric of Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science and Vaastu Science and Technology' for allowing me to share the immense and invaluable knowledge of our ancient science among all of us for a great cause! She also shared the revised version for the benefit of all. I have no words to explain her kindness and gratitude. We may wish all the very best in her future endeavors!
Dr. Jessie J Mercay and Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati are modern day reflections of Mamuni Mayan's (Great Sage Mayan) great works.
"Vaastu Science embodies the onward universal journey from the Inner Subtle Nature to the Outer Gross Nature. In other words, the marked difference is that Vaastu Science is Spirit-centric and Modern Science, Matter-centric.

This Science, in its entirety and simplicity, when applied, enables us to live in harmony with the innate rhythm of Nature.

Dr. Jessie Mercay has thoroughly explained the origins of Universal Life and the Science behind it. Going one step further, her immense grasp of this Science has enabled her to expound very ably its applications in Building Architecture and its implications on human life.

As Shilpa Guru, I bless Dr. Jessie for her inimitable contribution to the essence of Indian Culture."
Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati, B.A., F.I.I.A.

Personally I believe this knowledge will give the clarity and reasoning to understand Science, Spirituality and the Scientific principles behind the Religion and GOD. I felt this knowledge should be shared among all of us to know our Self better and for better humanity!
Sincere student,

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