Friday, April 13, 2012

Thought Creates The World

Everything in the material universe about us had its origin first in thought. From this, it took its form. Every castle, every statue, every painting, every piece of mechanism - in short, everything - had its birth, its origin, first in the mind of the one who formed it before it received its material expression or embodiment.
Mind has got various preoccupations. When an artist begins to draw a picture on the canvas, he draws the picture out of the material preconceived by the mind. After all, the world is merely an idea or thought. When the mind ceases to think, the world vanishes and there is bliss indescribable. When the mind begins to think, immediately the world reappears and there is suffering.
The universe is rendered visible by mind. When you begin to analyze mind, it is nothing. It dwindles to airy nothing. It is a bundle of thoughts and the thought “I” is the root of all thoughts. This “I” is a false idea, a non-entity. When the root of all thoughts vanishes into nothing, where is the boasted mind?
The first thought that arose in your mind was “I”. The last thought that will arise in the mind before it is absorbed in Cosmic will be Cosmic psychosis which is produced by your feeling that you are Infinity.
Universe, a creation of the Cosmic mind
One single, organized thought of the Cosmic Mind has materialized as the seeming universe. This phenomenal universe is but an outcome of the Divine Will, seeming to be real through the workings of the mind.
Before you write out a drama, you have a vivid mental picture of the whole drama in your mind. Then you write it out in succession in four acts. When it is staged, it is acted in succession, part by part. Similarly, the universe with its movements is a vivid mental picture in the Cosmic Mind.
This universe is nothing but a mode of the mind, self-evolved from Supreme Soul, the cause of the universe. All the universes which appear only through Mind are no other than its modes. The mind is subjectively consciousness and objectively it is this universe. Hence, this all-pervading world is nothing but consciousness itself.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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