Thursday, April 5, 2012

Do you know your MIND?

Soul, Mind and Body forms the Divine Trinity. I have given enough information about our Soul in my previous articles. Now we can explore our mind in coming articles.
Happiness has for ever been the prime aim of every human being. All activities of man are directed towards acquiring the maximum happiness in life. But, through the wrong deluded notion that objects will give happiness, man searches for it outside. The result is that inspite of all his lifelong efforts, he gets disappointment only. Vexation and misery alone are to be seen everywhere.
The real lasting happiness lies within man. Such happiness is the Inner Self. The very nature of Soul is pure Joy. This is never perceived because the mind is completely externalized. As long as the mind is restlessly wandering about amidst objects, ever fluctuating, excited, agitated and uncontrolled, this true joy cannot be realized and enjoyed. To control the restless mind and perfectly still all thoughts and cravings is the greatest problem of man. All spiritual practices are, therefore, aimed at obtaining mastery over the mind. If he has subjugated the mind, he is the Emperor of emperors.
For gaining mastery over the mind, you have to know what it is, how it works, how it deceives you at every turn and by what methods it can be subdued.
That which separates you from God is mind. The wall that stands between you and God is mind. Pull the wall down through devotion and you will come face to face with God.
The vast majority of men know not the existence of the mind and its operations. Even the so-called educated persons know very little of the mind subjectively or of its nature and operations. They have only heard of a mind. It is only the Yogis and those who practice meditation and introspection that know the existence of the mind, its nature, ways and subtle workings. They know also the various methods of subduing the mind.
Mind is nothing but Atma-Sakti (Soul-Power). It is brain that wants rest (sleep), but not the mind. A Yogi who has controlled the mind never sleeps. He gets pure rest from meditation itself.
Mind is not a gross thing, visible and tangible. Its existence is nowhere seen. Its magnitude cannot be measured. It does not require a space in which to exist.
Mind is material. Mind is subtle matter. This discrimination is made on the principle that the soul is the only source of intelligence; it is self-evident; it shines by its own light. But the organs (mind and senses) derive their principle of activity and life from the soul. By themselves, they are lifeless.
Every man has a mental world of his own. Every man entirely differs from another man in mode of thinking, temperament, taste, mentality, physical characteristics, etc.
A strong mind has influence over weak minds. A hypnotist with a strong mind hypnotises a whole bunch or circle of boys of weak minds. He who has purified his mind becomes a center of force. All the lesser, impure, weak minds are unconsciously drawn towards the purified, greater mind, because they derive peace, power and strength from the greater, purified mind.
Mind is nothing but a collection of Samskaras. It is nothing but a bundle of habits. It is
nothing but a collection of desires arising from contact with different objects. It is also a collection of feelings aroused by worldly botherations. It is a collection of ideas gathered from different objects. Now, these desires, ideas and feelings constantly change. Some of the old desires and feelings are constantly departing from their storehouse, the mind, and new ones are replacing them.
This constant change does not in any way interfere with the harmony of mental operations. Only some of the old desires, ideas and feelings depart. Those that remain work in healthy co-operation and concord with the new arrivals. The new arrivals are strongly magnetized by the old ones. They both work in harmony and this harmony sustains the identity of the mental existence.
Mind is not only made daily, but always made. Every minute, it changes its colors and
shape like a chameleon. It is very wavering and unsteady (Gita, VI, 26). Mind is constantly changing. You are gaining new experiences daily. Your beliefs and conscience of 1932 and the faculty which judges right from wrong will change in 1942. The mind evolves through experience. The world is the best teacher or Guru.

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