Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One GOD, One Religion of Humanity

A living being cannot exist without consuming the body of another life. Even the single sensed lives are living by consuming the decayed body of another life. Living beings are classified as one to six senses, but they are not equal. There are variations amongst them. These variations are identified through their physic. The variations amongst the living beings from the first to sixth sense reveal their inequality (discrimination). The single sensed tree and the five sensed animal and the six sensed man are not equal.
In the development of Dravidian religions there are explications about soul and God. Dravidians are the cultured, religious people who are well-developed in their reasoning ability and who have spiritual thoughts and religions. Offshoots of the development of Dravidian thoughts are the Ahimsa principle, Vegetarianism, the noble thought such as 'Every country is my country and all are my kith and kin' and the principle of rendering good for evil and the spiritual ideologies. Hence, Jainism, Buddhism and the Six-fold religion are developed as the offshoots of the Dravidian thinking and culture. Ahimsa, non-killing and showing love towards others have become the foundational doctrines of the religions mentioned above.
Man alone is unique amongst the creatures and he is the crown of all creation. Hence, in the book of Genesis in the Bible, it is explicated that man was not created like other creatures, but was created in the image of God Himself with soul.
All living beings except human beings are classified into five groups as having one to five senses, but man alone is isolated from all other living beings because of his soul which is the root cause for sixth sense, that is his thinking ability and power of discernment of holy and evil.
This human soul is connected with God, the Universal Soul since it was created in the image of God, the Universal Soul. The man with soul can overcome the natural law. He brings down the whole animal world into his dominion, and sixth sense is the root cause for his supremacy and soul is the root cause for the sixth sense.
Since man has soul and power of discernment which is superior to the natural instinct, he is able to empower the nature that includes the living beings which have one to five senses. There is inequality in nature i.e., amongst the living beings which have one to five senses there is inequality. But, there is no inequality amongst human beings since they have soul which has no inequality.
It is explained that, the inequality amongst the living beings that have one to five senses are reflected through their physical structure. But, the variation in the physical appearance of human beings are not because of the soul, but because of their environment.
According to their circumstances men are white or black in color or with height and weight and variations are seen in their physical level. These differences are owing to their environment and food habits and not because of soul.
In the snake species, there are many classes according to their color, length and weight. These classes can be grouped into one species. If it is considered that the human beings are like the snake species in which there are so many classes, it would be a wrong conception.
For an example, Python and Cobra belong to different classes though they come under snake species and they can not be united together, and they can not jointly bring forth the young ones, since they are totally two different classes in one snake species.
Human Vs Universal Soul
Human Souls: They take human bodies and experience birth, life and death.
Universal Soul: Never comes into the cycle of birth and death.
Human Souls: They are subject to change and the dualities of pleasure and pain, growth and decay, happiness and sorrow.
Universal Soul: Changeless. The One beyond the above dualities.
Human Souls: They remember and then forget their original pure nature.
Universal Soul: God is always the ocean of knowledge; he does not come in the cycle of remembering and forgetting.
Human Souls: They are seekers of peace and happiness.
Universal Soul: God is the One whom everyone seeks (longs for). He is the bestow-er (giver) of peace and happiness to everyone.
Human Souls: They have physical bodies.
Universal Soul: God's form is incorporeal (point of spiritual energy).
Human Souls: They cannot liberate humanity.
Universal Soul: God is the up-lifter of all.
Human Souls: They become impure through body-consciousness.
Universal Soul: God is the purifier.
Human Souls: They are caught up by the present, have distorted (misunderstood) knowledge of the past (since they come in the process of birth and rebirth) and no accurate knowledge of the future.
Universal Soul: God is the knower of the three aspects of time (past, present and future).
Human Souls: They lose their power and become weak.
Universal Soul: God is the constant and external source of all spiritual power for all human souls.
Human Souls: They are brothers and sisters.
Universal Soul: God is the Father and Mother.
Human Souls: They come into greed, lust and attachment.
Universal Soul: God is bondage-less (free), the liberator of all, including the sages, saints, holy teachers and gurus. He doesn’t succumb to the vices.
Human Souls: They become worshipers.
Universal Soul: God is ever worthy of being worshiped.
Human Souls: They have desires based on bodily needs, name and fame.
Universal Soul: God is completely desire less and selfless.
Human Souls: They are takers.
Universal Soul: God is the giver, He takes nothing.
One Family
However, a man of any color who may belong to any race, nation or language, can be joined together with a woman who is in the another extreme corner of the world and who may be entirely different from that man in all the above said descriptions. They would lead a happy life and multiply. Hence, the differences mentioned above are merely external differences that is in the physical level and not the inward differences that is in soul level. Hence the human society is one family and God is father of all human beings.
Belief in the race and the caste discrimination reveals one's ignorance of the knowledge about soul and universal brotherhood.
One GOD, One Religion of Humanity

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