Thursday, March 29, 2012

Karma - The Newton's third law of motion

What is Karma?
The word Karma literally means action. It may appear that Karma is happening to us, as if some outside force is causing good things or bad things to come to us. However, it is really our own inner conditioning and processes that are leading us to experience outer effects or consequences in relation to our own actions.
Karma is like a dust that covers the soul. In spiritually scientific terms, it’s karmic particles. When the soul is in the grip of karmic particles it is difficult for the soul to feel free and happy, because the karmic particles are blocking it.
For example, if you wear eyeglasses, you know how important it is for the lenses to be clean, because it helps you see the world clearly. BUT, if your glasses were just dipped in mud, and you wore the glasses, the world will seem quite distorted. And then, if no one taught you how to remove dirt from your glasses, you could never really see the truth about the world or life. In this case, you suffer because you are not able to see clearly as you should. You didn’t even know it was possible to even have clean glasses.
SAME WAY, with karma. Karma covers the soul and keeps it in illusion. Soul knows the truth deep down, but the karmic particles cover it, so the soul then experiences pain and suffering.
Truth Seekers and spiritual practitioners, like yourself, dedicate their life to removing as much of the karmic mud and dirt from their soul because they want to see truth, the clear-cut and beautiful truth.
Law of Karma
The law of Karma is a universal process, whereby causes lead to effects. This is something that all of us are already familiar with, whether or not we use the word Karma to describe it. Newton's third law of motion, that every action leads to a reaction, is an application of the law of Karma. Whether we are talking about physics or daily life in the world, it is extremely useful to understand the law and process of Karma so that we may regulate or direct the process. We can soften the impact of the playing out of our past Karma's, and can choose our own future Karma if we are willing to put in the effort to learn how to do it.
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
Types of Karma
There are two kinds of karma: good karma and bad karma. Good karma is collected when your intention is pure and good. Bad karma is collected when your intention is bad or violent. If you are angry, you are collecting bad karma (ugh, I know!!!!) and when you are helping other people selflessly, you collect good karma (YAAY!!!!) There is a huge science to karma, and they’ll be explained in the future, but the main way to collect any kind of karma is based on intention and mental activities.
The goal of the truth seeker is not to collect anymore karma: good or bad. The goal of the truth seeker is to dissolve all the karma. So as long as you have karma, whether good or bad, you will always remain in the cycle of birth and death. A truth seeker wants to be liberated.
How Karma Affects You
There are several ways karma can affect you: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. If you are confused, karma is affecting you mentally. If you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, karma is affecting you physically. If you are depressed or have conditions of your love, karma is blocking you emotionally. If you are trapped with not so good spiritual teachers and gurus, karma is affecting you spiritually.
Karma SHOULD not control your life.
There are 5 things that affect your present life: they are destiny, karma, nature, time and efforts. Basically the strongest degree of any of these 5 things are controlling your life in each moment. Do you allow destiny to control you? Karma to control you? Nature or time? Or your efforts?
If you are not taking any responsibility for your life, you are letting your destiny (which can be good or bad), karma (which can be good or bad), nature (which can be good or bad), timing (which you already know what I’m going to say here) control you. BUT, there is one thing you have control over that can change everything, and that is, YOUR EFFORTS.
Unless you put efforts in your life and spiritual path, karma and all those things will continually affect you. You become its puppet. You are not in control of your life and path, you are in their control.
Break Karma = Spiritual Efforts
Efforts means doing your spiritual practices (sadhana), whether you feel like doing them or not is not the question. But doing them IS. You have to put efforts on your spiritual path. Learn how to clean your muddy karmic eyeglasses and begin to see the light. Begin to see the truth.
If you believe in God, God is not going to clean your glasses. You have to purify them yourself. God helps those who help themselves, right? You can pray to God all morning and night to clean your glasses, but if it is telling you to go get a washcloth, dip it in hot water, and clean it yourself, why aren’t you?
Ignorance? Laziness? Or, maybe you like having muddy glasses.
I doubt it. And I hope not. But let’s get real here.
You need to put efforts to change and improve your life. Happiness and peace are not going to just fall on your lap. Anger is not going to dissolve if you just sit there and do nothing. You have to put efforts to change your life
A Lesson on Karma
There’s always a reason behind the pain and suffering we experience in our life. BUT, it is in our hands to reduce the effects. No matter what, it is the universal law, that karma must take its effect – both good and bad. We can reduce the negative effects by doing mantras, meditation and soul prayer daily. Your life is in your hands, don’t rely on God or Guru or anyone else to help you, they can only help, when you help yourself.
Take a lesson from experience, reduce your karma and do sadhana daily, this way the karmic results that will take place in your life are not as bad as what it could be. Clean your glasses, purify your soul.
Remember, to give a different perspective in a positive way for your life, maybe you think you have the worst life now, but actually because of your practices, your life is actually better than what it could’ve been. Be grateful.
Be in control of your life. Do your practices. Help others selflessly.
Never hurt. Never hit. Never be violent.
Love. Help. Be Spiritual!

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