Sunday, August 14, 2016

through the eyes of love...

There is beauty in anything and everything. Through the eyes of love, everything is beautiful...

Is it only rain that is beautiful? The scorching sun has its beauty too. 
Is it only the flower that is beautiful? The falling leaf too has its own beauty.
The sight of a smile is beautiful. The silence that follows the end of speech is also beautiful. A lie told for a good cause is beautiful. Truth is indeed very beautiful.
When a Cuckoo sings its melodious birdsong, is there a need for music notes? 
When a peacock trots and dances, is there a need for rhythmic steps?
For a river to reach the ocean, does it need a companion? 
For the waves in the ocean to form its sounds, is there a need for language or grammar.
When you commune with natural beauty, the whole world is beautiful. 
If you forget all your worries, this whole life is beautiful.

The tender heart is a swing that sways to the left and right. 
The heart can be lost in happiness or immersed in sorrow.
There is no meaning in pondering about the past and there is nothing greater than looking at the present and counting our blessings.
The fragrance wafting off a blooming flower is so beautiful. But even better is the fragrance of love that flows from our hearts...

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